
guys....calm your selves. Trust me. the plane in the video is NOT an rq-170. there is no stealth plane that uses a grate like that on the air intake for its jet engine, in the US. the drag that thing would cause might as well have its own radar signature.

thank you for saying this, even though i thought it before getting to the comments.

time out, are we really surprised that apple has its own agenda, that is completely self motivated? when i say i hate apple. i don't mean they make bad products (though they do as a result of what i'm about to say). I hate apple because they are a terrible company. they sticks it to the common user. they police

i'm his secret source! wiki effect in action

Don't bag on space video. You have to understand, extending an arm with a camera can affect the entire rotation of the ISS. this includes not recieving enough power on the solar cells. Causes uncontrolled rotations. the control systems to do all this take many people a lot of fricking time to make. so lets not bag

no i think your girlfriend is used to ipods and therefore more apt to like ipads. This does not prove anything. ALL it does is show apple is the same as it always has been. Instead of instantly being an expert at the device i'd rather continually learn with/from it. Don't you just love when you say"...this app

comparing what apple has accomplished to what google has accomplished is like comparing a cesna to the ISS. They both stay off the ground for a period of time. need to be refueled, and hold about 6 people. Except the cesna was designed for a bunch of novices and isn't compatible with anything. The ISS on the other

@commander_k REALLY? and local news reports about weddings and births, not rapes and murders.

i'm so tired of this hipster vs. geek debate. LAST TIME I CHECKED, ios was trailing android in market share. What if our reasons for not liking apple have nothing to do with the customizable ui, or the fact that we can tweak all the apps. what if its pure hatered for a company that polices its users, its devs, and

how narrow minded. When, not if, WHEN, android is 95% of the market, like windows before it, then you won't have a choice. if it were 1989 everyone would have said, we should only develop for mac os, and you would have gone outta business. Does no one see the stark comparison from computers to mobile?

I'd like to vote NuevoLeon's star away. Tool Bag, is off topic and irellevant. Maybe the point of the article was google was so ticked at apple's app games of google voice, no google voice. Or maybe Arggh is right? just sayin

You should note Vlingo, to my knowledge, is calculated on the phone, while siri goes back to the server everytime. that would be a whole lotta bandwidth

what are you talking about, android go in the direction of RIM? but then the iphone came out...this must have been before google bought android. But, IN this particular case. moving an object to unlock? i'm pretty sure thats like turning a door knob...pretty sure that makes sense intrinsically. oh you don't like

Seriously. Let me paraphrase what you just said. Apple have 512mb of ram. therefore, hence forth that will be the law of the land. anything more is, too much, anything less is unacceptable. also, Ram takes more power? are we squabbling over micro-watts here? 512 now is ok, but when ios6 comes out, your tune will

in defense, and Santorum has other scientific faults, i'd like to say "Santorum says pinning warming on humankind is "patently absurd."" actually is a true statement. but only because it is written in an extreme way. are we solely to blame for climate change, NO, the earth gets hot and cold, do we have a negative

to add to that the Mac was not the first gui computer, everyone cites Xerox for that. so pretty much with the above replies, jobs didn't invent any of this you apple loving Tards. steve might have made all these market more viable, but then you can only really give him credit for being a marketer. he did not make a

yeah, they would have helped

Oh yes please, i have no camera to lend, nor live in the area, but, i'm sure you could at minimum get goprop to do it and make it the gopro video of the day

i had the original droid that had stock android on it, no motoblur. i want the new one to come with stock android, or atleast have the option. that would be the best.

don't we think 35 years is a little long? patents expire in 20 years, given they can be re-up'd but...i mean come on. most artists of 35 years are probably dead from drug OD, or stress related to the industry.