
ok, what about distibuted solar systems? what is their cost per mwh. i'm sorry but i'm calling utter BS on this report. they either A) don't take into account all environmental impacts, or...wait, just went and read the acual report NOW I"M CALLING BULLSHIT ON author of the article Jamie Condliffe. look at this

so a seat belt mechanism would be OK in this situation... DONE. i'll have the model build by tomorrow. come on now. people are just fighting with what is an excellent idea, but poorly implemented.

don't forget afghan militaries have come and gone, and never made a dent in afghan

while i'm an android user, the numbers you quote are the quarterly sales numbers not actual market share

ok, admittedly i'm an engineer, but, what i want to see is a painting, 18, 25, 35, 45, 55 y/o couples. or maybe dating, enaged, just married, 5, 10, 15, 20 years. i think the contrast would be interesting.

Am i the only one that thinks she is sitting there on two matches? about to strike if she pushes down hard enough.

Samsung prints their own chips, i believe. including the Apple A5 chip which is a samsung chip labeled differently.

Yes, true. I merely was aiming at the fact that something that may have seemed reasonable 2000 years ago, shouldn't be held as law for the rest of time.

"'Bigotry' is the state of mind of a "bigot", a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance"

Um, Have you done your homework. From what i read (before this article) on reddit from O.P. i think he is actually a samsung employee. it just says chrome on his shirt cause he is there to sell chrombooks. Namely the samsung XYZ which he told the internet before its IO debut. No he shouldn't be fired, because this

Um, Have you done your homework. From what i read (before this article) on reddit from O.P. i think he is actually a samsung employee. it just says chrome on his shirt cause he is there to sell chrombooks. Namely the samsung XYZ which he told the internet before its IO debut. No he shouldn't be fired, because this

"Because of this Apple does the only smart thing: let the companies do it themselves." this has got to be the worst logic i've ever seen. this is how a parent treats a child, which i guess is how apple thinks of us. Because one company thinks it better to not give the information, apple shouldn't give any of the

Or of course there is the other thing about pirating music. its cheaper, AND more importantly, a better product. A p2p is faster, and more accessible. B often the quality is higher. its actually a better product. OR maybe supply and demand demands that they change the price of their product. These people were

WASTE OF TIME. just shows you aren't journalists, you're just bloggers. Bias is the problem here.

its not that they moved away, its that they evolved because they were not the top. the way i see it. so back in the day there were the first mammals. these mammals had everything they wanted. until one day there were two many of them, and not enough food supply in the area to feed them (or any other natural event,

cash is bad and costs us more money to use and reprint than digital credit. and yes, if someone gets a hold of your wallet the only stop is fraud support on the credit card, which i'm sure will be rolling out anyday now for gWallet, because of this.

you mean like gizmodo's complete bias over the last 24 hours against google, for no good reason, just because they don't make iphones?

pintrest is way closer to stumbleupon IMO.

switching to bing is like quiting english because merrian-webster added Lol to the dictionary.