
Can we just set something straight. The HTV-2 is going 13kMPH. THIS IS NOT mach 20. mach is a relative, non-dimensional number that compares speed to the speed of sound at the current location.

Kids clearly a smart kid, locking him up does no good, and only increases our already greater than everyone else, inmates/capita. Time will tell if this strengthens protection of our information, or more likely, as RIAA and MPAA as an example, nothing will change, our information will still be completely vulnerable,

BUT can less government really give you more freedom? i know i know were all puppets to mass media and big business, which obviously run the government. BUT does less governmnet really give us more freedom, OR will those with power take more without government oversight? after the greed that is corporate america of


um...first of ALL. the conclusions of this article are rediculous. [] physicst prove both to be true.

one left buddy

you my friend deserve this link. not spam, just a few car/computer jokes

i wanna put a big F you to the author of this article. DON'T post troll articles like this. Claiming the "predator" killed the marines is like saying a soilder's M16 was responsible for killing someone. These articles move public perception of autonomous robots backwards. a human made the call and told the drone

100 years? closer to 60, no? 1940ish, hitler broadcast i think was the first

@ddhboy: Holy Fuck people, canada only gets 2x that for a wired unlimited connection, were talking mobile wireless how do you pull that kinda data. I suggest getting a digital copy of all those movies and using an SD card.

@me_eit: while i whole heartedly disagree with Hami. what he/she brings up is a valid point, all be it misguided. I don't think he desrves a troll label...well unless? Hami, were you originally owned by the trolls? if so we could give you a .TRL extension.

@Hami83: Sligthly different symbolism don't you think. Auschwitz represents one of the worst of the camps associated with the holocaust. statue of liberty represent open door way to mis-guided freedom. i could see how you would get them confused.

@Geisrud: 2 problems with your statement. first i agree txting takes away from concentration...unquestionably...thats the point.

@scarbrtj: at least his aides got paides too