
Never really got into this show, but Who Pooped the Bed is one of the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

The NHL would be trying to add them to the roster just to drum up part of an all-star game whose purpose is to itself to drum up interest. Even if everything the guy said is true, I think it would be a good thing.


With that color scheme, I like how they can now be overshadowed by the Rams AND the Dodgers.


That might never be broken!

I think other than relatively meaningless consumer gadgets, the pace of development and scientific advance is slowing over the past 3 or 4 decades.

Yes, the 90s, those ancient days before cell phones and the internet.....

I imagine a fucking island would do sell well without the need for sporting events.

It’s easy to say his schtick is so tired or he’s so much worse than he used to be. But the truth of it is that there wasnt’ that much on tv in the 80s and into the 90s. In that environment, someone combining sports highlights with even mild “comedy” stood out. Things are different now. And now he’s just the jackass

I feel he’s more like Jeff George. Bloated, canterkous, overrated, and from a different era. Oh, and Jason Whitlock would suck him off if he could.

We had a Hall of Doom, with savage teenage boys lined up on either side. If you got thrown into it, you were punched and kicked until you could get safely to one end or get a spot on the wall. Then the bell rang and for some reason civilized instincts immediately kicked back in.

Huh, usually a bunch of dudes smashing their birdie is blocked by my work firewall.


That’s just poetry.

Isn’t that Tom Brady’s usual snuggling position?

You’re bendy, leather.

I have so many questions.

Meanwhile the other bear texted 12 of his teammates to come over and join the gang bang. Minnesota sports!