
“You’re the evolutionary Rasheed Wallace. That’s not a bad thing — unlike Rasheed, you play hard every game, you actually enjoy posting up, you’re considerably more coachable, and you don’t react to every unfavorable call like someone tried to tow your car.”

Male hookers usually are on all fours.

I half considered seeing this based on the trailer/marketing, which made it look like an interesting sci-fi movie with good chemistry from the leads. Then the reviews hit and revealed the misogny of it. Fuck this.

That, good sir, is what they call bullshit.

And they’re eating Papa Johns. Got I hate the NFL.

But Hillary supports late term abortion that’s so much worse!

He’s in Kobe-after-Shaq mode.

That’s the best outcome, really.

Strategically, why does it make sense to fire a coach midseason? I can only see it for a team that might salvage a playoff run. For truly bad teams, isn’t it better to let the coach run out the string? You’ve written the season off by that point. It’s a sign of good faith. And it prevents an interim from ripping off a

I think the Warriors will start slow and it’s the most predictable thing in the world. Basketball is a weird game. So much of it is chemistry and “feel” for your teammates. Their offseason moves are going to need time to calibrate. Brace yourselves for a slew of hot takes in December about how the Warriors are in

Good lad. He doesn’t start the shit, but damn does he end it.

And then the QB walks by.....

Absolutely and the sooner the better. It’s a mercy killing.

I get this train of thought usually, as I went to college in the 1990s and have some relief from that too. But your college-aged idiocy included being so drunk and beligerent that four cops had to carry you screaming out of a football stadium? Because that’s some super idiocy.

This was all performance art for her new one-woman interpretative dance show titled: “Les Miles: the Final Season.”

Man, MNF has become such a sad affair. Kill it already.

So who exactly did Mark Grace fuck to break THIS slump?

The NFL. Never Fucking Learns.

Wonder how many parts of his foot he broke in that video.