Lawrence Dahl

Hofstader is a German name. Although obviously a lot of German Jews have German names, this in no way means everyone with such a name is Jewish. The real physicist that Leonard was named after, Robert Hofstader, was not Jewish. By the way, Christine Baranski is Polish Catholic.

Who would you have wanted to play the dad? Someone above suggested Kelsey Grammer, but Grammer really looks nothing like Galecki.

Kelsey Grammer would have been great, not least because he and Baranski were brilliant together in one of my favorite episodes of Frasier, in which Baranski played a conservative talk radio host reminiscent of Dr. Laura.

Do we really need a climactic finale though? This show has had some idiotic ones - like Sheldon leaving California and all his friends, only for TBBT to make a shamefaced return to the status quo at the start of the next season. I'd rather be spared the annoying gimmicks. I thought this ep was one of the funniest of

I've found this season dull, but I thought this episode was a delight. A surprising number of great jokes, welcome guest turns, and crisp pacing added up to a lot of fun.

Wendi McLendon-Covey has great chemistry with the actress who plays Lainey. (Although, in fairness, Wendi McLendon-Covey has great chemistry with everyone.)

I was surprised that they used that reason as Naked Rob's possible motive for destroying Big Orange. I would have thought the motive would have been that Naked Rob hates Big Orange because, you know, Naked Rob hates clothing, because, um, Naked Rob!

Will, you repeated your Goldbergs first para twice! Correct it quick, so no one will know what I am talking about when they read my comment.

As I said here last week, I thought this show's first two episodes were dynamite - successful in just about every way. Every subsequent episode, not so much. Did we really need another episode about the creepy doctor, the gold digger, and the blonde bride? Would anyone have been upset if this week's episode started in

Really? I find Martin Short annoyingly manic whenever I see him on TV. Admittedly, I have recently heard him on some interviews when he was a lot more relaxed, but his shticky TV appearances tend toward the insufferable.


The hottest girl ever to be on the show was the one who almost hooked up with Leonard over their shared love of comic books, except that Leonard was dating Penny at the time. I think her name was Alice. They should bring that character back.

I thought the stick chair was dull. This is the show that already gave us Howard wearing adult diapers to wait in a similarly long line.

What was episode ten again? (I'm too lazy to check.) I loved Freaks and Greeks - which I watched last year for the first time - but the show definitely dropped off in quality in the last few eps, when I think they knew cancellation was nigh.

Agree about the character being frustratingly one-dimensional. Not sure there is really anything more the character can bring to the table at this point, considering what a caricature she is. That said, I am a huge fan of Metcalf (and Baranski, for that matter).

The last three eps have been pretty enjoyable, with a relaxed feel and a surprising number of jokes that work. The Game of Thrones episode (which I know everyone around here hated) I actually thought was one of the most enjoyable TBBT eps in a while. Nice to see Stewart worked into the show again, and Christine

I loved the line, "The dummy has a dummy." Although I must confess a part of me wanted the dummy to have an even smaller dummy attached to its hand, just so Adam could say, "The dummy's dummy has a dummy." Kind of like Russian nesting dolls.

Definitely the best Goldbergs ep of the season, imo. Pure joy from start to finish.

Nice one, sir!

That's really well put and I totally agree. I will add that I thought the first two episodes were flat-out great. That's why everything that has come since has been such a crashing disappointment.