Lawrence Dahl

The first two episodes were wonderful, but everything since has been kind of a mess. I loathed the restaurant episode. This one was better, but still too manic for its own good - too many ideas, too much zaniness, just too much of everything. Did we really need the "bear" scene? If you want to see this kind of thing

Oh yes, I forgot to add: That brainless kid journalist is not only absolutely implausible but utterly unfunny. Every time he is on screen, the show just dies. This is not so much a character but a woeful, misinformed, ill-conceived caricature. Satirising brainless bloggers is low-hanging fruit to begin with. This show

My understanding was that it was the waistband of the Speedo we were seeing, which remained on him after the wife ripped it off. Initially, I thought the same as you though.

I thought the first two episodes were pitch-perfect and sublime, but this one STUNK.

Am I the only one who thought this show was great when it started, but now can't get through a full episode?

Man, that was an awful, cringeworthy movie. I had forgotten about it. Thanks for reminding me!

Really? That's horrendous. What a jerk. It's sad because when I was younger and Vaughn was one of Hollywood's most bankable comedy stars, he seemed ridiculously cool.

There was an early episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm in which Odenkirk played a porn actor. I seem to recall he had a sex scene there.

If Ed Helms and Rob Corddry had a baby, that baby would grow into Jason Jones. He reminds me of both comedians, but is terrifically funny in his own right. The Detour pilot was the comedy highlight of my year so far.

This is basically the best comment ever. I laughed and nodded my head simultaneously.


In the words of Team America: World Police, "We need a montage."

I officially have a crush on Rhea Seehorn/Kim Wexler. Her character should get a spin-off show. Heck, I want Breaking Bad to be like a Russian nesting doll - inside of each fresh spin-off should be a compelling character who gets their own spin-off show, ad infinitum (as long as Gilligan is at the helm).

Best episode for a long while - I agree.

Great episode. I was unfamiliar with Rhee Seehorn before this show - where was she hiding? She is INCREDIBLE.

She is extremely talented and very (naturally) beautiful, which is why her being reduced to such a thankless role in this show feels so unfair.

The Raj subplot was unpleasantly sexist - and cruel. I know the writer of this review and some commenters here enjoyed the patent subplot, but I thought it was pretty lame. The jokes kept falling flat, unless you count Sheldon in a Peewee Herman bowtie as uproarious. This was desperate stuff.

I watched this show after listening to Marc Maron's interview with Carmichael. Carmichael seems like a really nice guy, and the story of how he started in standup (and his resulting Hollywood career) is pretty amazing.

I watched the short first season (haven't watched this ep yet) and never really believed that Devine and Grier were a married couple. I love both actors dearly, but their whole dynamic was just too sitcom-y and forced. I was more interested in the dynamic between Carmichael and the ridiculously pretty Amber Stevens.

That was hilarious!!! Thanks for the laugh.