Lawrence Dahl

I agree. I feel this show has worn out its welcome, and I'm not sure I'm going to continue to watch. Don't get me wrong - I loved it at the beginning. But it isn't moving in the right direction - or any direction at all.

Vegas is a go-to whenever the writers run out of ideas, it would seem. The guys all went to Vegas in season two, when Howard broke up with Leslie Winkle and a hooker was employed to keep him company. And the girls went to Vegas in a later season. And then there was another ep when the girls were going to go to Vegas,

I sometimes worry that the show has too many storylines, and a lot of them are just dropped. I didn't love this episode, but it looked great: sumptuous sets (the restaurant at the club), and even elaborate backdrops (we got to see the other side of the street where Baxter lives!). But the drama and emotional component

Not sure which episode, but it was a short scene when the JTP (Jenkintown Posse) was outside the convenience store, and they had a showdown with a rival group of boys. One of those boys was referred to as "Bradley Cooper."

Bradley Cooper (a kid playing his younger self, at least) has already appeared in an ep of The Goldbergs.

When are we going to have an Erica-centric plot again? She is too often sidelined by the other two Goldberg children. I get that this character alone is not an IRL Goldberg, but she is still totally delightful and wonderfully performed by Orantia. Give us more of her.

You make a very good point! In any case, the pilot was too awful to even think of rewatching, so I guess we'll never know…

Didn't Bob Saget play himself in the pilot? So this is one of those shows where real Bob Saget and character-played-by-Bob Saget co-exist in the same universe…

I am glad that Christy's competence and sensitivity was addressed (and rewarded) in this episode. Why is David Krumholtz getting so fat?

"This show simply doesn't know how to write these characters any more."
I think that's absolutely true. The show does seem to be making Bernadette less obnoxious and unlikeable - maybe they read some of the complaints from fans here and on imdb.

Kimmel is indeed filmed in LA. It's Fallon that's filmed in NY. Difficult to keep track, with all the different Jimmys in late night.

Boring episode. This show has been going around in circles for a while. The father character really drives me nuts - all he does is agree with someone else's sentiment, or sing Dean's praises and put Stu down. Is the joke that he is insanely insensitive, or just kind of a nasty guy? Regardless, he adds nothing to the

You make a good point - how will New Zealand pass for Jacksonville? It certainly didn't pass for Michigan…

The sinkhole felt a little small and cheap. Almost like they had blown their budget for the episode (or season), and that very modest sinkhole was all they could muster. I still loved the episode though.

Loved this season. It was like a shot of adrenaline - and electricity - every weekend, and I will miss it. Nothing quite like it. It is true that the show got a little lost in the middle of the season, spinning in circles, before getting back on track in the last few eps for a first-rate finale. I am glad that Pablo

How can you suggest such a thing? The pic above clearly wants to make us pull the drawstring on the guy's sweatshirt and strangle him slowly.

What's worse - when TV shows try way too hard, or when they don't try at all? Or when they somehow manage to do both at once?

That's hilarious!! Nice one.

Wasn't she on "Super Fun Night"? They really shouldn't give a show a title if almost nothing stated in that title is true. "Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris" learned that the hard way.

Call it Cooper Barrett and be done with it. But if it's successful, by all means create spinoff shows with titles like Cooper Barrett: Special Victims Unit, and Cooper Barrett: Miami.