Lawrence Dahl

My reading of that photograph was that it should have had "2016's Most Punchable Face?" written under it in big letters. But to each their own…

I HATE the title of this show. It is just so egregiously twee, self-conscious, pseudo-hip, cute, cloying, douche, dull. Do you know anyone called Cooper Barrett? Wasn't Win a Date with Tad Hamilton bad enough? How about Parker Lewis Can't Lose? Always the most absurdly WASPy names. How about Win a Date with Anand

Yeah, it's great - I just wish AV Club would act accordingly and post their review a lot earlier.

Disqus really needs to figure out a way to defeat these spambots (the Deadites of the internet comment section) - I feel they have proliferated over the last couple of years, and the problem has gotten a lot worse. I am serious - it is getting damn annoying. The first time a spambot responded to one of my comments I

I'm going to get seriously depressed when this season is over. There really is nothing else like it. (I tried to watch Supernatural, but that sucks.)

Both of those backpacker girls were super-hot. I'd hike with them anytime.

Great episode! This show is so much more fun than anything else on TV.

Yes, and the juxtaposition of the lonely, eerie O Holy Night scene with the crazy, silly, social, exuberant and improvisational-feeling dance scene was very effective. "Mom" is a lot more sophisticated than its critics realize.

Well said! They taught us at school that "marijuana is a gateway drug," but surely alcohol is a far greater gateway drug (even if the gate that alcohol consumption most often leads to is the consumption of a lot more alcohol!).


I think you're right.

I can't remember Regina's backstory, but for a horrifying moment I thought the direction tonight's episode was going in was for Regina to get really drunk in her apartment (there was that weird final scene of her alone with the big glass of wine) and stumble into the Sober Dance Party, totally blasted. That would have

So does Kaley!

Yeah, the riff on "junk" as a description for genitals was funny (and valid!). One aspect where I disagree with the reviewer is his assertion that TBBT tends to stuff "too much into its stories." I'd argue that it tends to stuff not enough into its stories. Anyway, this was an understated (for TBBT) and impressive

Another strong episode of "Mom" - I found the final scene poignant, optimistic, even joyful. Didn't love the plot (there was no B plot tonight), but the entire cast is so talented, and the writing so sharp, that it was still pretty great. Lots of first-rate jokes, too. (Bonnie's joke: "There are no attractive men here

You giveth - and then you taketh away. Cruel!

You make a great point about Ash's speech being unearned. This episode was sprinkled with very different things, but nothing really cohered or worked terribly well.

Pablo and Kelly are indeed a great team. Love those two actors and hope they have long and successful careers.

"They needed at least a full episode of Ash's particular brand of skeevy charm to win her over." That's exactly right.

Honestly, watching this episode, I felt like I had gone away for a few weeks and hadn't caught up on the show, and then had returned and caught this episode. You know what I mean? It felt like I had missed two or three eps - the tone was so different, to say nothing about the continuity. It felt odd.