Lawrence Dahl

Horny gymnast? Rauch? Count me in!

Tonally, this episode felt very different to anything in the series so far.

The pay is sawdust and brisket (which also happens to be the title of the show's last episode).

Oh, I agree, He just kisses Amy passionately for minutes on end (!), while another human being whom he has never encountered before stands there watching. And Sheldon doesn't care. Maybe he had some kind of psychotic breakdown after all - how else could someone change so completely, so bizarrely, in such a short

The Judy Greer episode was terrible (and I say that as someone who has something of a crush on Judy Greer). Funnily enough, the hottest Greer has ever looked, in my opinion, was in her episode of TBBT (where she played the genius physicist friend of Sheldon's who also happened to be a demented nymphomaniac).

Maybe he FORGOT that he has an eidetic memory… (I kid, of course.)

Yeah, I thought he was great. A perfect fit for this show.

I am developing a theory that CBS shows like 2 Broke Girls and The Odd Couple exist solely to make late-period TBBT appear watchable by comparison.

I thought you were going to say, "50 years ago the biggest comedy on network television was The Big Bang Theory." It honestly feels like this show has been on that long.

I've been very, very critical of this season, but I thought this episode was the best in a long while. Even putting aside the plot, the jokes were fresher and more frequent than usual, and the show had an inventiveness (the inside-the-brain bit, the riff about the song) that has been lacking for years now.

Also Mayim has done the near-impossible - made Amy (who started out as a ridiculous Sheldon clone) entirely identifiable, likeable and three-dimensional. (Meanwhile, Penny has become increasingly one-note - what happened to her pharmaceutical rep job? does she still have it? does anyone care if she does? - and

I've hated this season of TBBT, but to be fair I think they did a surprisingly good job of utilizing Stephen Merchant. (Also, that Modern Family episode he was on was one of the single most enjoyable sitcom eps I've watched, just for pure laughs, pacing and inventiveness. Not sure it's fair to compare that to this.)

Yeah, but can your mom review "Mom"? I am jonesing for a "Mom" review. (Or should I say, "I am Matt Jones-ing for a 'Mom' review.")

Matthew, I actually thought it was a very entertaining episode. The B-story sucked - it was almost like the writers said, "Allison has amazing legs. Is there a way we can get her into very short shorts? Oh, and we need a B plot. Maybe we can tie those two things together?"

AV Club, please, please start up "Mom" reviews again!

Maybe I should watch the episode again. I know I am in the minority on my opinion. I just thought that the writing was unusually flat (no good jokes, or sharp repartee) and the Pablo/Kelly scene (that boils down to, yet again, "I like you," "I like you as a friend") was belabored and unnecessary. We've covered this

Kelly is looking hotter every week.

I know I am in the minority here, and I've been a staunch defender of this show thus far, but I thought last night's ep was unusually weak. The direction just felt off, unfocused, haphazard. And the writing was sloppy, too. I still love this show, though.

I kind of love that The Goldbergs makes us have these conversations. A part of me thinks The Goldbergs writers are deliberately trying to toy with chronology nuts and hyper-realists, and throw in inconsistencies and tiny anachronisms just to drive people mad.

No one does preposterously smarmy D-bag better than Huebel.