
As a human being, everything about this entire abuse history sickens me to my core.

Obama won his district in 2008 and almost won it again in 2012, despite Ryan being on the GOP ticket with Mittens. It’s very much a swing district and he knows he’s going down in 2018 if he doesn’t retire first.

There will be plenty of time to get accustomed to it once we invade you next year.

if Democrats trounce Republicans in the House

“You’ve got to remember, I’m the only guy in the modern era who didn’t want this job. I did this because I had to do it.”

I heard this fucking asshole on NPR this morning. He said in brief - “For a single mother a deduction for a child is $1,000. We have doubled that deduction to $2,000!!!!! And DEMOCRATS HAVE TURNED THEIR BACKS TO SINGLE WORKING MOTHERS....”


Yep. Because part of sexism is telling women we should compete instead of collaborate. Because if we collaborated we’d overthrow the patriarchy, so.

Yes! And when we do talk about it, someone inevitably starts throwing around words like “jealous” or “catty”—even though we’re saying both are terrible.

This conflation of appearance and work prowess could go the other way as well. “I remember looking at people that we were going to interview for the project and [Morgan and Jeremy] kind of making an assessment based on what they looked like,” a former producer who worked with the company in 2009 says. “Like, oh I wish

I don’t think you can walk around with a mustache like that and not be a misogynistic douchecanoe.

A girlfriend just finalised her divorce from her physically, emotionally and financially abusive husband. The prick and his c%nt of a lawyer thought that it was a winning idea if he’d put himself into therapy and admit all of “faults and failings” as a man and husband (his words not mine) before the horrific abuse and

Yup. You totally hit the nail on the head with nerds reveling in their power later on in life.

This is exactly why I extricated myself from geek culture a long time ago. Although the seeds of it definitely were present in the ‘90s, at some point in the ‘00s geekdom became a den of truly vile misogyny, which reared its head publicly with Gamergate. And, of course, since this was a movement full of resentful

Exactly! Oh, a hack who broke basically every rule in the documentarian ethics book to make an easy target look bad has questionable morals and motives? Knock me over with a feather. This self-congratulatory douche bag screamed “fratty dude bro” right down to his Hulk Hogan mustache. I feel bad for all the women he

I would call my female assistant “hot pants” or “sex pants” when I was yelling to her from the other side of the office.

Also, I saw someone point out that Spurlock’s comment about being alcoholic for the past 30 years really undermines Super Size Me, since at one point in the film a doctor says that his liver “looks like an alcoholic’s” after eating McDonald’s for so long. Like... damn. We now know that he was an alcoholic. That’s not