
You know, maybe this is all just the greatest performance art piece of all time? As satire in a physical medium, the administration would be just too on the nose but as an elaborate and meticulously staged performance piece it’s a fucking brilliant comment on racism, sexism, capitalism, class, wealth, national

Bobby, I know people will decry my sentiments in defense of your poor soul, but I am beyond delighted that you are willing to sacrifice yourself so that we may have these entertaining posts. It’s selfish, I know, and I do apologize for that, but you are doing a service for us all, so thank you from the bottom of my

I think that the real lesson here is that old white men should probably not say things in public.

I thought Ricky and Lucy were evenly attractive and had complementary flaws and strengths. You could easily understand how they ended up together and why they stayed together within the confines of the show.

I don’t know because he is not EVEN FUNNY. I feel like the Venn diagram of people who are amused by Kevin James and people who voted for Donald Trump is just a circle.

Holy shit!

Perfect takedown is perfect.

That shirtdress is an unacceptable length. Acceptable longer lengths are:

Megan Kelly is a parasite on the body of the American Republic. Scrape her off!

Duct tape’ll fix that right up.

I know nothing of this show, but why could Leah Remini not have just been hired as the wacky aunt, sparing the life of this Donna?

are they really dressing him in an ill fitting tshirt and SWEAT PANTS?! He looks like he doesn’t even bathe. HOW IS HE A LEADING MAN?!?!

are they really dressing him in an ill fitting tshirt and SWEAT PANTS?! He looks like he doesn’t even bathe. HOW IS HE A LEADING MAN?!?!

She came on after Dirt Bag was published and this update COULDN’T WAIT!!!!!

oh my goooddd I forgot how great that exchange was.

A Who Weekly caller said that Kevin James keeps his pastor in the writers’ room, and had to kill off the wife because OH how the Catholics hate divorce. This also tracks with what I know about him: I live on Long Island and my in-laws regularly see him at mass.

Sister. And love interest.

This seems legit considering I barely acknowledge Kevin James.

I maintain that the fact that Anthony Weiner is still alive to go to prison proves that Hillary Clinton is not the murderer the Pizzagate crazies make her out to be, because if she had cause to murder anyone ever it was Anthony Fucking Weiner.

Hottest of takes: Fuck that guy.