
“Most corner stores are dirty, over-priced, lack variety, and frankly are terrifying to go into

They were all doing coke right?

I’m guessing it will more like a Treyvon Martin thing — “oh, I was so afraid of the nasty homeless guy that I followed him as he was walking away and shot him twice! So afraid!”

“Homeless guy walks up to my car, yells at me and says insulting things.”

“Wait, should we be doing this? I mean, you’re my stepmom’s plumber.”

I thought so, too, but he was watching one of those incest pornos, wasn’t he? That seems normal these days because of Trump but it’s not.

There’s a screenshot of him watching it, too.

I was a little surprised he liked medirocre vanilla porn (if you can call a stepmom eating out her stepdaughter vanilla) instead of tentacle porn, but maybe lizard people like Ted find human sex kinkier?

not to put too fine a point on it, but when the beauty pageant contestants and the comedians are the ones calling out the racist and inflammatory rhetoric of our president and not, oh I dunno, OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, then there seems to be something deeply amiss with our country

Every person I know who’s met Bill Clinton says the exact same thing: that he is like charisma personified; he controls any room he walks into. Even people who hated him politically would gush about him after meeting him.

When I first came to NYC they still had the ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement, I thought briefly about applying since I used to be a military dog handler. Then I realized I would shoot the first dog abuser I came across, and realized it wasn’t for me. I went on to do vet tech work in private practice and that was hard

Calling them the only good twitter account is just a slap in the face to the only other good twitter account, @dogrates.

Nah previous statement stands. If you come to the bottom of an article about the rescue work of animals in SF and post that an animal deserves to die a slow, agonizing death solely because it existed in the first place, you’re an asshole and most likely also a troll. My only regret is that asmallcat replied to you and

Wow fuck you.

These have to be some of the best people you could ever hope to meet, because if they can stay that good-natured, positive, and energized after seeing what they see on a regular basis, that’s a rare gift. One I don’t have, because I lost all of that about a decade ago, and have been getting by on a façade ever since.

This is how I took it when I read it as a peer of the Losers. It wasn’t like I was into the scene, but it did seem like Bev was in control... at least in the mind of this young girl she was.

He lives in Maine, so...probably not?

I read a piece on that scene that argues it is Bev who is the initiator and actually forces herself onto the unwilling boys (I think Eddie is the first if I remember). The author stated it was Bev flipping her father’s constant accusations of her hanging out with all of the boys on its head and actually taking charge