
Seriously, not one single goddamn person looked at this and thought “huh.. maybe we shouldn’t imply that brown people just need to wash better and they’ll turn into regular ol’ white folks.” What on earth were they intending? And they can fuck the fucking fuck off with that non-apology.

Wait, it actually was his real estate agent?? I thought the author was making a joke... that is delicious.

I mean, if they were having unprotected sex she should tell Mrs. Hole. Because if he’s cheating with you he’s gonna fill that void when you’re gone and he’s non-consensually risking her health.

That’s what she said?

What the fuck is even the point of having a distinction between juveniles and adults if we try the ones we don’t like as adults anyway? They were fucking 12 not 17. Jesus Christ.

You know, maybe this is all just the greatest performance art piece of all time? As satire in a physical medium, the administration would be just too on the nose but as an elaborate and meticulously staged performance piece it’s a fucking brilliant comment on racism, sexism, capitalism, class, wealth, national

The sad thing is that I think a lot of these racist ass Trumpers give a pass to white folk like Earnhardt Jr. support because they think he has to give lip service to “liberal ideas” but doesn’t really believe it. Like, the left coast liberal elite would destroy him if he didn’t worship at the alter of

I mean, between that and his face...

...well, I for one am tired of all this winning.

God I hope so (and that she gets out safely). This is so fucked up.

Not gonna lie... I literally LOL’d at your comment. It was the ball flicking.

God, this fucking guy. Like, I call a lot of people the worst but this fucking guy is the actual fucking worst. Fuck. This. Guy.

Where is that jacket from? I may need to own it like yesterday.

In the year of our lord 2017 Baba Yaga is the icon we need.

To be fair though, the family is in Oklahoma City so getting the fuck out of there can only be good for her. Just to be completely clear in my point here, fuck Oklahoma. But yeah, she’s talented as all hell but ventriloquism is super weird.

Clearly Santa being white isn’t a political issue to her. Yeah she can fuck all the way off.

Same! I want to hate it but I can’t!

My wife is super into this show and makes me watch it so I can say that this kid is incredibly talented. That said... 3 ventriloquists have won this show?? Like, that’s the talent America finds so impressive!? This seems bananas to me.

My 16 year old tabster kitty came to the shelter I worked at with little bloody nubbins where her claws were when some asshole on whom I wish every evil tossed her out of a car when she was 2. Thankfully she didn’t have any lasting damage aside from being scared of men. Some people are truly evil.