You know what’s good feminism? Not shitting on women for using their platform for good.
You know what’s good feminism? Not shitting on women for using their platform for good.
Yeah, fuck Taylor Swift for trying to get her fans to vote in a timely manner to have their voices heard, amirite? Who the hell does she think she is, being all influencing and popular and with a loud voice on social media, trying to get people involved so we don’t have another 4 years of Donald Trump. The unmitigated …
It’s gotten exhausting. I’ve never really had much of a opinion on her but I do admire the fact that she’s obviously become educated on the issues enough to speak out and risk potential backlash. Why not call out the celebs who just insulate themselves by not wanting to be seen as "political"?
I completely disagree with this description of “journalism”. It boils down to “if the person interviewed is mad about something I asked, then that must have been a good question.”
Around here, a bunch of the local stations have been playing a LOT of BTS lately. It is wild to me! If it has some legs, Boy With Luv is looking like a major summer song in this area just on the basis of saturation.
So, is the critique of these women and TheSkimm focused on the fact that they’re basic bitches, or that the language they use to deliver the news is too flip/casual? I’m struggling with finding issue with encouraging women to be up to speed on current affairs, but I get that people like to point & laugh at girls like…
Then there was the italian judge who figured you couldn’t rape someone wearing tight jeans, since it would be impossible to get them off...
That judge should have closed his mouth.
As an HR professional, I have some issues here...
Guys seriously, can we just for ONCE, give props to Taylor when she does something right? You don’t have to crown her Queen of Jezebel, but legit, this was a good thing she did. Today I’m thinking of all her LBGT fans who must be feeling real fucking awesome about their fave sticking up for them politically in this…
I swear. Taylor does what y’all beg her to do and then you still find a way to shit on her for it. Either you want her to speak up politically or you don’t. Pick one.
“a film about a French-Jewish soldier who was wrongly accused of espionage in the 1890s and vindicated after five years in a penal colony.”
I posted a couple of comments about this too. The Minassian story is tailor made for Jezebel, yet they continue to ignore it.
I’m stunned that Jez hasn’t touched this story all week. It seems quite intentional, but I can’t figure out why; it’s the kind of thing they would have been all over in the Gawker era.
Has Jezebel reported on the Toronto van attack? I keep hoping that they’ll touch on it, especially with the revelation of the suspect’s alleged ties to misogynistic groups and the allegation that he may have targeted women.
Apologies for going off-topic, but Canadian news and American politics just intersected in the most disgusting way.
The Leafs are good, the Raptors are good, the Argos are defending almost seems like things here are too good to be true and nothing can...
Come sit with me, Jennifer! I haaaate DDL’s performances to begin with (the frenzied level at which he emotes is just super inauthentic and distracting to me; I always feel like I’m watching some butthurt theater professor trying to prove how hard he can act. So hard! Much yelling! Such spittle!), but THIS is his…
I think it’s to prove a pattern of behavior, which solidifies the Stormy Daniels story, even tho that idiot Cohen already blew it up.
Yeah, I feel uncomfortable comparing these cases to the ones like Weinstein. Because they could easily have walked away, albeit without any money, but they could have just as easily walked away and tried to shop it to someone else. Their whole livelihood was not being threatened, nor were they victims of assault or…