Since Jezebel hasn’t noticed it, do any Canadian Jezzies want to talk about the Patrick Brown thing?
Since Jezebel hasn’t noticed it, do any Canadian Jezzies want to talk about the Patrick Brown thing?
THANK YOU. A powerful man in the arts who is shitty to the women in his life - how very novel...
Has no one pointed out to her that the island of Dominica and the Dominican Republic are not, in fact the same place? Both were hit hard by Maria, but it just adds to the overall cluelessness of the post.
Any other lawyers go right to Donoghue v. Stevenson (snail in the ginger beer)? Although if it’s anything like the Culligan waters case (fly in the water cooler), the PTSD claim won’t fly.
Wait. Hunter Daily Salomon is Rick Salomon’s daughter. Conrad Hilton is Paris Hilton’s brother. Rick and Paris made the sex tape...and then her little brother dated his daughter? I know that’s not incest, but....ugh.
Thank you for this, Rich. I saw Elle at the premiere at TIFF (based on your post about it back in September) and at the end, the audience was sort of stunned. I really couldn’t tell if Verhoeven was just trying to be provocative, or, if culturally, the film is just too French for North American audiences. Huppert was…
Toronto city councilor (and sometime deputy mayor)/city dad Norm Kelly tweets these too!
It’s a Saturday night in the late 90s, and my friend Erin and I are hanging out in my basement, home alone. We were 13, and collectively far stupider than we were individually.