mons top of the world

“When people say to me, “You and your children will find happiness again,” my heart tells me, Yes, I believe that, but I know I will never feel pure joy again. Those who have said, “You will find a new normal, but it will never be as good” comfort me more because they know and speak the truth.”

I can’t imagine (and hope that I never come to know) the shock and grief that Sandberg and her children must be experiencing. Much of what she said really resonates with me, and I think it is good for people to know that even their well-intentioned words and platitudes can be insensitive.

I hope she can feel pure joy again- it seems terribly unfair for that to be taken away forever.

holy mother fucking shit balls.

This is so so beautifully written and expressed. The option B part had me crying. Good for her for being so strong and for being so open. It can only help.


I know some people have complained about how much love Inside Amy Schumer gets from Jezebel but, as someone who doesn’t have cable, please accept my wholehearted gratitude for posting her clips! The woman is a genius and I love that Jezebel is giving her the shout outs she deserves.

No, it was Brcky.

In that non breathable latex dress? However many there are they are definitely poached.

One hundred thousand.

Lol what??

god the rage over her winning that award at the espy’s last night (which i mean, lol, the espys) was the most beautiful thing i’ve ever had the pleasure to read on my facebook feed.

Not to mention she can no longer use most of the facilities at her own country club, where she has been a member for over a decade.… Welcome to the sisterhood, girl!

“Fuck the police” was the order she disobeyed resulting in her being frisked.

Fucking word. Instead it comes from a city fund that is paid for with taxpayer money. Screw that. If it comes directly from other cops, you bet your ass they would start holding these shitheads accountable and ratting them out left and right.

What did she expect what with that camo hat and all?

With you 100% on that. While it is the city, or rather the tax payers, that pay the settlements, there is no incentive for the police to police themselves. If the cops want to hide the rotten apples in their ranks, let them pay for the privilege.

It’s time for these settlements to come out of the cops’ pension funds. Watch how fast the “good cops” police their own.

Don’t resist arrest! If you just let them arrest you for nothing, they won’t have any reason to arrest you for resisting? Wait...what? Arrestception...

Guys, come on. If you just do what a cop tells you, you’ll be fine!