Support Medical Students for Choice and the Ryan Program! Physicians for Reproductive health also just held a great Medical Student Advocacy training on my campus, which was wonderful.
Support Medical Students for Choice and the Ryan Program! Physicians for Reproductive health also just held a great Medical Student Advocacy training on my campus, which was wonderful.
As a medical student interviewing for OBGYN residencies right now, it’s encouraging that ACGME requires OBGYN residencies to offer opt OUT not opt in abortion training. Not that all do mind you, but I’m in the DEEP south and our residents are trained. Great organizations to support that are working to make sure there…
Yeah. He’s proving he’s been fertile in the go knock someone else up and stop worrying about these embryos? (Not that I would wish that on any women)
In proves he CAN have kids. And I wouldn’t trust him when he’s saying he put on a condom.
My poor live in boyfriend came with me to Sephora (fool!) for 2 hours before the VIB sale and watched me act like a mad woman, swatching eye shadow after eyeshadow and lipstick after lipstick and not buying anything yet. Eventually, we went through what seemed like all the colognes until he found one he liked, so,…
I had been constipated for days before Tuesday and finally had a great, soft poop that day. Thought to myself, what a great omen. Now I know how wrong I was. So so wrong. That omen was saying shit would soon overcome us all.
This actually made me smile (and gave me plans for later), and I’ve been crying all day. Thank you!
It’s Dillard University!
The last time something like this happened to me my cats had started being a little weird and sitting on the beds with raised hair at night. One night I was up late in the living room, when they started hissing and staring under a chaise in the middle of our living room. So I get on the floor and look under the chaise…
It’s just extremely difficult to see a pregnancy in a retroverted (“tilted”) uterus until late in the first trimester without a TVUS and even in a normal anteverted uterus a TVUS probe is used if the pregnancy can’t be seen transabdominally. Doesn’t matter if it’s an abortion, ectopic, miscarriage, initial OB…
Agreed, even if the doctor has a little sixth sense this seems weird feeling, these parents are adept at manipulating them. Just frustrating that she probably interacted with dozens and dozens of docs and countless other medical professionals and successfully had numerous procedures done on her kid.
It also gets confusing when maybe the dependent does have some condition, some reason for failure to thrive, but then mom takes them to clinic after clinic and accrues diagnoses. I’ve seen a patient on the pediatrics wards that EVERYONE thought was potentially Munchausen by Proxy, and CPS was called EVERY time she was…
I mean, everything has risks. It’s conscious sedation with pretty low doses of things that have half lives of an hour to a few hours (midazolam, fentanyl), so the levels are high enough to provide pain relief for the 3-15 min procedure then have fallen low enough that women are walking fine/oriented in recovery 20…
Most clinics don’t have anesthesiologists. They’d work great, but extend recovery by hours of course for a 3-15 min procedure. OBs don’t put them in though.
Family Planning only, up to 22-24 weeks. They offer surgical at 5ish weeks with an MVA instead of vacuum aspirator bc you can almost always find the tiny gestational sac with an MVA that doesn’t disrupt stuff as much to verify. Meds are always an option for women who want them up to the FDA recommended 10 weeks, just…
Even 5 weeks!
Some clinics here do IV sedation for all procedures unless a woman really can’t find a driver (the one’s I’ve been a student in have). And in CA some will offer general anesthesia. NAF recommends IV anesthesia. If they do general or IV over there I bet there was some quality assurance issue, something on a checklist…
It’s the same as in the US where all abortion clinics generally are certified by some body, JAHCO or a few others, as well as the local heath dept annually or biannual my or whatever. They have to show they keep accurate records, lock up controlled medicines like anesthesia correctly, maintain confidentiality, etc.…
I love Plays! I saw Wicked once
Sometimes red when we’re all on our periods