
well yeah, and there are still plenty of windfarms and wave farms around but my point is, it seems like a lot of the really large, productive projects run into opposition from other environmentalists. Meanwhile, the oil still gets pumped, gas gets fracked and the status quo keeps grinding on...

To be fair to the others, that it pretty much my non-sarcastic view.

Whenever I see stuff like this I feel like Daniel Plainview.

Wait. You play Playstation yet youasterChef_117?

Nothing like a good face mask detox...

Well, occasional oil spills are good for giving waterfowl a healthy shine to their plumage.

That sounds like way too much hard work.

So turbines are killers. Wave machines are bad. and now solar power is bad?

Actually they hadn't seen really bad fighting at that point yet. So they still looked at each other as humans. Once the gassing started all that lovey dovey shit goes right out the window. Ask a vet who fought in OIF or OEF. Those countries had really nice ppl in them for the most part but the ones blowing up markets

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I've always liked this one best. Probably because I watched it as a child and it made a lasting impression on me.

It's things like this that made me so interested in World War 1 this year. I feel like education and our culture very much favor talking about World War 2 because it's simpler. While World War 1 there isn't really any "bad side", every country was flooded with super nationalistic propaganda and everyone was certain of

Joyeux Noel will always be on my top ten "Christmas Movies" list. Would've posted this if you hadn't ;)

I watched this movie on my iPad while doing a long session on my treadmill.

I love movies that have the characters speak their native languages, it also helps that I could use the practice of listening to other people speak French.

great movie.

I'm down with you with dem feels man. Had no idea. In the end, the guys down there at the trenches are just regular joes strangled by the leash of politicians.

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This is an excellent movie about this historical event:

(Also it's really, really cool that Verdun is doing this!)

I've been wanting this game for so long and this does not help. It looks really good.

Might actually buy the game after reading this. Stuff like this is part of what makes gaming a little special.