
Does that mean that Hitler and the Nazi party were ok? Their tactics were a little harsh, but they were trying to make the world a better place.

Your/their idea of a better place to live is not my idea of a better place to live.

If your tactics actively undermine the cause you purport to fight for, perhaps it's not really about the cause. Many of these groups are essentially anarchists using their "cause" as a political cover.

i have a whole bag of fucks i haven't given yet right here.

Except, you know, I'm right, and you're not. You said he was condemning the causes, and there's literally nothing anywhere in this thread that supports your statement, other than your own fantasies.

Or trying to read more into a comment than was there in the first place.

No you are! No you are! NO YOU ARE!

In retrospect now that people are recommending my post so much, my grammar could have been a little bit better.

But intention is meaningless if it's contradicted by the actions.

Harsh words there, but I agree with them.

Yes, I was responding to the first thing you posted. You clarified your point about "tactics" vs. "the cause" further down the thread, but I think you can take it for granted that most people here support "the cause." The OP's point was not "anybody who tries to help people sucks," it was that many of these

answered that twice already, sorry.

"Failing to follow up" and "consistently alienating even the people who agree with you" are two different issues. AIs problems are typical NGO problems that can be fixed through improved management and better practices. Greenpeace and PETA are fundamentally dysfunctional.

Yeah how is it logical to say, "They would have done so by now", if Greenpeace "really " wanted to improve the world? These lackeys know they have no power to affect policy on a broad, global scale. They probably thought that if they shocked delegates at the committee, then an institution with large, planet-wide power

you're just being ridiculous continuing to defend your stupid reactive statement.

PETA semi-tacitly condones the murder of research scientists, and routinely compares meat-eating to the holocaust. Greenpeace has been caught falsifying scientific data, has damaged archaeological sites (see above), and seriously wounded loggers by putting metal spikes in trees. Yes - seriously, fuck these guys.

Oh, no I don't have issues with with most other organizations, Greenpeace just kinda made it personal when they caused a saw chain to explode and wrap around one of my friend's legs and almost cut their femoral artery.

if you think these self-indulgent narcissistic assholes are interested in improving the world instead in elevating themselves somehow within it then clearly you're one of the gullible sheep.

dude your avi has a teenage dirtbag stache and a soul patch. that's the national socialism of facial hair.