
It’s because she doesn’t have enough introspection to say the words “I’m racist.”

Short answer: Yes. Longer answer: Does she even English? I don’t think she Englishes too good. ;)

Not a phrase I use often, but I can’t even with the comparison to pop tart kid. Both schools massively overreacted, and neither had anything to do with the other. Can’t they both be reactionary, idiotic, and horrible for entirely different reasons? Yes? Gah.

...It’s full of stars...dark, beautiful stars...


...but(t) in that scenario, the coin slot wins...oh. Right. *grin*

I rather assumed there was alcohol involved. I meant the actual logistics, like, how do you push/fold/squash/press something with the consistency of a hacky sack into something else with the consistency of, well, an ammo press.

I’m attempting to mentally work out the logistics of that...and failing.

My instinct would be to look them directly in the eye and say in a cold and calm voice that if they did not, and I mean RIGHT FUCKING NOW call 911, there would be more than one person in need of medical assistance, if they get my drift... I hate sanctimonious do-nothings.

It’s got to be a combination, with religion attracing the outskirts of sanity, and then the religious echo-chamber and indoctrination making sure they stay on the outskirts.

Interesting. If iced tea is offered, I just assume that I’m about to get carded for something.

Blood tests are sometimes done in your primary care physician’s office, sometimes at a lab specific for the purpose. X-rays are done at either the radiologist or at an urgent care. Respiratory tests can be done by any doctor with the equipment, not necesarily a hospital. Really, most people never go to the

Most hospitals are somewhat secondary when it comes to care triage. Here’s what you do as an insured American: When you have a medical problem or need a special type of diagnostic test, your primary care provider will give you a referral to a specialist if you need one. Those specialists, who may or may not be


She had filled a water bottle with water. Unbeknownst to her, the dude had dumped that out and filled it with vodka instead. Expecting the bottle to still contain the water she had originally poured, she used that bottle to top up the baby’s bottle. It’s entirely possible to pour vodka without really smelling vodka,

Well, I left that company almost 7 years ago. The rest of them, by pure chance I would have to guess. Indiana’s message to the state’s workforce is loud and clear: You are replaceable. And I’m sure I was, but I don’t really care because I left to pursue my dream career and haven’t looked back.

Most likely not. I worked in a warehouse in Indiana for a long time. Indiana has very few worker’s rights laws, and their OSHA is a fucking joke, with a telephone line that endlessly loops back upon itself. I once (warning, graphic description ahead) cut my arm with a box cutter all the way through the dermis to the


*wince* Ouch.