Awesome! There's also an article about Maria Montez, my mom's favorite Dominican starlet!
Awesome! There's also an article about Maria Montez, my mom's favorite Dominican starlet!
Love it! I went to see Jackie Brown when it first came out and it is still my favorite Tarantino movie. EL could write female characters and his natural ability to write through conversation made every book I read of his all the more enjoyable.
I call what I have to do to maintain my sanity 'career hypocrisy'. My company has preferential treatment only for a select few - only partners and associates receive bonus. They have select outings, field days, lunches and dinners which again, are for the upper tier only. In the past few months, they've lost 8 key…
I think my brain just collapsed from excessive cuteness overload.
Well, I vote for eating the entire contents of your refrigerator, vodka...and Chaka Khan!!
I've worked on Wall Street almost all of my professional life (going on 20 years - NOT in the financial services field) and I swear this is what I hear in my head when I go in every morning:
Well, I never thought I'd see something more disgusting than the donut breakfast sandwich from Dunkin' Donuts, but now I have. Jeez, a person's blood sugar might go up just looking at that thing.
Man, I loved "The Rainbow Connection" when I was eight. Kermit rules!
Oh, Amanda. I'll feel bad if it turns out you really do have a psychiatric or psychological condition, but really
Binge drinking is a pain in the ass. I didn't see the appeal of it when I was younger and now that I'm in my happy, cranky years (42), it really annoys me. I've always enjoyed a nice glass of wine and the only time I've had more than that a day has been a special occasion or a rare, very fancy dinner. If you treat…
I just feel sad. Sad for the Martin family, sad for my country and sad for this injustice.
It just boggles the mind the way he believes himself to be the injured party in the whole situation. There really is no denial like self-denial for this narcissistic douche.
If she'd had a better (or even lucid) reaction to the media shitstorm, I might have thought that her admitted actions were mostly a result of her upbringing and that she'd outgrown her antiquated mentality, but that's not the impression she's given at all. Dropping out of "The Today Show" for exhaustion and those two…
No matter how inured I think I am to seeing the horrors people inflict upon others, I never am. Those pictures are revolting and I was glad to read that later her son John was seen with Nigella, suitcase in his hand, getting in a cab and leaving the home she shared with this abusive twit.
When I read this interview on my morning commute, I kept thinking to a line from "Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle" when Dorothy was chiding the overuse of the word 'artist'. I think the same applies to Kanye because that word is not elastic and cannot stretch to accommodate every aggrandizing and self obsessed…
There's artistic and there's stupid. Marilyn Manson's actions fall to the latter.
Wow. She made her life the ultimate response to Dr. Doebele's dismissal years back and finally responded in an articulate, thought out manner. The most disturbing part was his response letter and the lackadaisical way he says that this is not a letter he would write today. Maybe he wouldn't put pen to paper to state…
So true. I treasure my feet. The only way I'd buy these shoes is if the heel was low, the shoe cushioned and no pointy tips!