
So... ummm... how DID that iPhone not only survive the crash, but the immediate bath afterward... Everytime I put mine in the bathtub it turns permanently off...

Clearly it's a fake... look at the icons on the home screen... how cramped they are... This is just another Chinese knockoff... you can all unbunch your panties now...

I applaud Razer (like I generally applaud Apple) for making a well-built, well-specced machine. It only helps the marketplace and users in general that machines like this are made, despite the spattering of comments below how it's not a bargain basement price, made out of rubber bands and paper clips, or by a 35 year

yep... and I bet your car is the same way... some $200 piece of crap that you think is "just as good as a BMW." Amazing that you're not the newest leader of the Western world.

yea... unibody aluminum MacBook Pros are junk... I've heard the airlines are gonna start making their airplanes out of plastic cause it's "just as good." The only thing NOT going for the Razer is that it has to run Windows...

I wish I could chastise you too for your negative thinking... but the same has all happened to me :(

nope... not at all

Ahhh I love the meanderings of the little Android people taking pot shots at the beautiful people

The lack of an aux input of any kind means I don't even turn on the sweet Alpine upgraded sound system in my Jag unless I wanna catch something on NPR. It's not that it doesn't sound great... it does... but I just have little interest in making CDs that have to live somewhere in there when I have an iPhone and

well... exactly. You might agree that if you HAD an aux port you wouldn't use your CD player that much.

Those are the only two browsers in your world??? I have a treat for you... go to and you're welcome.

uhhh Tank??? Maybe YOU should keep YOUR comments in check... after all... he/she is clearly intellectually challenged enough as a Windows user... you expect him/her to be accurate and correct too???

yea... I'm sure Apple is REALLY concerned that YOU, someone too cheap to buy their quality hardware can't use Mac OS 10.7. Tell me... have you actually purchased any Mac OS? or was that pirated as well...

Couldn't agree with you more. My first thought exactly.

Ha Ha Ha hA hA ha HA hA Ha... Well then he MUST be an Android user to be that stupid to first steal the car and then ram it into a building BEFORE thinking about whether he wanted the thing in the first place. I'm sure he'll get caught... the stupid ones always do.

YOU are ridiculous. How out of friggin touch ARE you. Sure... go steal it. I'm not surprised. You're the same kind of person that says, "$40 an hour?!?!? I gotta work a whole HOUR to get a measly $40?!?!? You have to be kidding! I'll go rob a bank."


OMG... Royal Oak and ATT is the worst I've ever seen! Holy crap! How is can be this bad for this long in such a populated, popular area is beyond me. In general I've been ok otherwise in the Detroit area with AT&T

It's relative...

ummm.... yea... I'm sure that's gonna happen.