
So a lot of posters are asking what real features consoles might gain that justify a release beyond the current 360 or PS3... Well, as with computers, better hardware always allows for new features that would be unthinkable with todays limitations.

Well... I personally haven't had the same experience. The other thing that really bugs me about Skype is the amount of spam IMs that come through Skype. Even accounts that haven't been used once (my moms) had a dozen spam, inappropriate IMs.

chuckle... you don't use it but you know for a fact it's "better." You sound like you're a professional salesman/woman.

so... how many tons of chicken does is each F-16 worth??? Cause... you know... sometimes my grocery store has great deals on chicken... maybe chicken will become the new standard for which currency is based too... I better go check for sales...

OH!... $6,350.00... "HONEY!!!! nevermind......"

I forgive you.

I have to admit... I'm jonesin for the retina display in the iPad. I don't expect it... as I'm guessing a retina display of that size is really friggin expensive... but I still can't wait... I'd then really like to see it start gracing MacBook Pros and Cinema Displays...

What a terrible piece of both journalism and video. The video operator constantly zooming in and out... setting up the camera so the police tape runs right through the shot... and the chick commenting... "That's looks like quite a technical device..." REALLY??? That's all you can say. I want to know what cereal

I personally can't wait for the ST... which I'll happily buy to reward Ford (and myself) for bringing it (FINALLY) over here. I'll also be happy to trade it right back in for an RS... so Ford... bring it...

@Xenarian: so you're the kind of guy who thinks everyone overblows the issue if it doesn't end in a fiery crash... thank god (or hopefully I should say) YOU'RE not responsible for thing that benefits from preventative measures.

@siwex80: Ummm... Thats why it sucks. When was the last time you saw a person walking around carrying a bag cell phone? It's cause they suck. If it isn't comfortably in your pocket and you're pretending it's a phone, it sucks.

@Graysmith: yea... don't worry... it's MOSTLY magic but they found that by adding a little science they got a 10% reduction in time it took a magic-only microwave to heat the same thing.

@zpeedyz: chuckle... I was wondering exactly the same thing... or at least uncomfortable...

My God! It's like pornography! I never realized it was so, so clear!

@Helvetica:You know... this resonates with me... I'm happy paying for the service too... and I use the email and iDisk... but I think it would be an important advantage in the purchase of an iPhone/iPad to be able to get all the sync features of MobileMe.

The ugliness of Android has little to do with Google (except for the choices they've made). It has to do with all the other handset manufacturers who have the freedom to ruin Android. And they have. They couldn't make a decent interface on their own... what makes anyone think they can do anything but ruin Android.

I've seen this same dog filmed at a different angle. I don't think it's fake. Very sad thou.

yea... the effects for that suit and mask look like they could use some work