
You know what I love? It's the fact that this article comes out AFTER your Gizmodo arm does a bunch of banning for this very thing... with no recourse. No second chances... no opportunity to defend yourself... Obviously I am a victim... and I'm not gonna try to say I've never been rude. I have. But I will also say two

I'll take two!

ORRRRR.... you can protect yourself by STOP USING ANYTHING GOOGLE MAKES... sigh... what a downhill slide for a company that started out so, so great.

I took that to mean the difference in price was his house payment because he SURE was ok spending the $200

Three hundred dollars is a house payment for you? What trailer park in Kentucky do you live in?!?!?

We is him and his invisible "friend" Boris. And "they" don't need a girlfriend either... just ask them.

oh yea? which ones are those

VERY insightful... wait... WHOOPS... did we accidentally MISS THE FRIGGIN POINT OF HOW FOXCONN SAVES COMPANIES MONEY???? Yes JGab... I think we did. I'm not sure if this is an example of our failing educational system or whether we weren't all paying attention... but LABOR COSTS are the primary reason manufacturing

oh my good lord... see... it's stuff like this that makes me SO hesitant to buy anything from a company that comes up with ideas like THIS!

Does that mean there are millions of Luke Skywalkers? Cause that's creepy... but it does go a long way toward the theory of alternate universes...

Well heck... I think a BUNCH of us want $60M for the Distribution of URLs via SMS... but no one is gonna get it... oh... and I think it's GREAT that he's experimenting with our legal system. Last I heard... those people just sit around and twiddle their thumbs because we underlitigate in this country.

you know... i like that company.

There is NO reason for this thing to cost that much money except it has no competition. I've been told (so I THINK this is true but don't know 100%) that Apple isn't gouging for royalties... I won't pay $300 either.

That's EXACTLY right.

Yep... I'll take on a Pacu anyday before a Goliath Tiger Fish.

omg... there is humor in Redmond... hope begins to ensue...

Holy crap was that terrific.

God... wtf was up with me when I wrote that... Seriously... I SO apologize. Uncalled for. Whilst I do believe the touchscreen is better, my main reason is it's adaptability for whatever you are doing. I was sold the first time I saw the big red "End" button on the iPhone display, but since then I can certainly

@Brizon God... wtf was up with me when I wrote that... Seriously... I SO apologize. Uncalled for. Whilst I do believe the touchscreen is better, my main reason is it's adaptability for whatever you are doing. I was sold the first time I saw the big red "End" button on the iPhone display, but since then I can

dude... I would never cane you for that. It's actually funny that you say that because I certainly was aware as I wrote that that a company like UPS would likely never be able to get away with something like that from a professionalism standpoint. I like to see companies take edgy moves. Pissing off even .5% of your