
boy... he sounds like a real keeper... I can she why she's upset...

That's a comprehensive tool kit for sure...

I think its a heavy cylinder of something with insufficient packing material around it...

@Ninety-9: better microwaved than electrocuted...... wait... what are we talking about again???

that was fantastic!

@skitzandroid: You don't think Moto would make the same mistake? What alternate reality do YOU live in... and can I come visit??? PLEASE??? I've owned so many Moto cell phones and they have done nothing but go downhill. They are a washed up, third rate company who wouldn't even be IN the cell market at the moment if

@solange305: because they are complaining haters... they WANT Apple to be bad because they want to justify why they aren't owning an iPhone 4. Let them buy their plastic Droids and watch Moto screw them like they have millions of customers before them... They'll get what they deserve...

@Dzenan Palavra: Apple's cost is NOT just for bumpers... but for all the non Apple cases they have worked agreements out to offer, plus the cost to administer the program.

@Assassin_Kensei: and again... you must not have one... nor know much about manufacturing. The cost of manufacturing, first of all, is completely determined by materials, complexity, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, quantity. You have no idea how costly it is for Apple to manufacture these things... all you have to do for your

@protonjack: If you go by your Grandmothers saying, which I think is fine in an ideal sense, there isn't a single successful company that doesn't fall under some sort of scrutiny. Marketing by definition is supposed to make you and your product look as attractive as possible. What would you EXPECT Apple's marketing to

@Piledriver: EXACTLY. They don't own/use the phone... Which was EXACTLY my point...

@WetSkeletonz: They could have easily come out, showed how other phones did the same thing, and gone about their business. I don't think it would have affected sales one bit.

@protonjack: Just to add this, I have LOTS of issues with Apple... just not this one... I live in rural Michigan on the edge of Lake Michigan. My signal is FAR from perfect... so when I say I haven't had a problem, it's NOT because i typically have a 5 bar drop to a 4... I typically have one bar... one. And my iPhone

@DoYouLikeToastToo?: A LOT of companies wouldn't... $40 mil in cases or more plus all the cost administratively to manage it is not insignificant. There are plenty of companies in today's day and age who wouldn't do a gd thing... especially after showing it's an industry wide problem.

@Odin: Two things...

@Lupison: I CAN recreate the problem... but you've missed my point. It doesn't affect me in NORMAL DAILY USAGE. In addition, have you tried recreating the problem on any other phone. I have and was surprised that Apple is completely right... other phones do it too...

I have to chuckle at all the people who are STILL attacking Apple for this... I have an iPhone 4 and absolutely love it. I think the fact that they are spending millions of dollars to give out cases to EVERYONE despite the fact that this actually affects a small number of people speaks volumes about how they treat

@dambo29: It looked from photos like it might not fit tightly on the phone... please enlighten...

Actually... the iPhone is NOT a terrible phone at all... unless you want to call any of those phones terrible that have reception issues when held certain ways.