
@Stem_Sell: chuckle... raising the bar...

Good lord... I think I'd wet myself if Major League Baseball could just start looking at the cameras once in a while... like the rest of the millions of viewers are doing...

@Red Rocket: because it's not a Ford... and you're hearing that from a guy who owned NOTHING but Ford's (before my Jag)

@zhinker: Everyone has an opinion

@wishlist: So... because he tweets a lot that means he can definitively make the statement that no current living person playing video games will ever see a video game that is art? Maybe I should start tweeting a lot and then I can be considered expert enough in technology to make s definitive statement about what we

@crustyxpunk: I DID read the article... The idea that the MPAA offers a "reward" for prosecuting is what pushed the theater owner to push the police.

how the hell did Microsoft come up with this... I mean... which company did Microsoft buy that had this figured out...

This just shows how desperate, out of touch, and ignorant the MPAA is... the only thing they understand is their greedy desire for profit... I do NOT mean that the actors/actresses/directors etc. do not deserve to be paid... the MPAA needs to find new lawful avenues for distribution that fit with the current level of

@OrtizDupri: Well I'm sure he uses a computer and word processor to write his column as well, but that does not mean he appreciates or understands the scope of how technology is not only changing our world now but the vision to begin to comprehend the future. It's his statement of certainty that no one gaming today

I'm not sure why Roger Ebert's opinion is even relevant here. Though movies are a type of art, being a movie critic does not make him an art critic. Roger Ebert has an opinion. And that's all. As noted by commenters below, even his opinion could be taken with a relative grain of salt as Ebert acknowledges he's never

@vinod1978: As much as I can understand the arguments that some people prefer a device that just does this, it nevertheless is a REALLY niche market and subscribes to the philosophy that almost ANY product has SOMEONE out there that would buy it. That does not mean, however, that it's going to be financially viable

@Tony Kaye: oh I agree with you. I think they knew... and they took the path of saying people will hold it in a way that doesn't cause the problem instead of changing the design. Of course, the design is RUINED by those bumpers, which is why the bumpers are not part of the phone itself. You also can't use the Apple

@Tony Kaye: well... if Apple took that path it would likely means LOTS of headache for them. First off, it would clearly show they knew of the problem LONG before delivery into consumers hands... lawsuit number 1. Secondly, it would mean the white's would have a new manufacturing process differently from the black

@Tony Kaye: ummm... what sense does that make....

@sqlfanatic: shhh... it's business... you wouldn't understand. – RIM CEO

chuckle... yea... I heard the App Store review process was soon going to be in charge of the entire internet... sheesh... I better start DLing stuff now...

@A.Jaswal: Well.... That really just does go to show how geographically affecting our opinions are for cell usage... for the LAST two week trial of a Blackberry I had (I've tried it several times), phone calling was the worst part of it. Just horrible.

I think we can at least be sure of this... it's NOT going to include a grammar checker...

He means a quantum leap over anything that's out there (for Blackberry)... meaning their previous OSs... which isn't saying much.

@Ikthog22: well non subjective testing has repeatedly proven that the iPhone is by far the most accurate touchscreen... the Nexus One coming in a distant second and everyone else falling off after that...