
@zeroprime: What's amazing to ME is that the iPhone has trounced EVERYONE else when it comes to precision of the touchscreen yet all you Android fanboys are VERY quiet about that... Apple's touchscreen is the best in the business... in every way.

CLEARLY this was NOT the work of professionals as evidenced by the crappy camera work.

@ransomed: Actually no. I was told on numerous occasions in the course of casual conversation with techs at the Genius Bar that they always tell people that their homeowners insurance policy covers the cost of the replacement, which is, alas, full price.

Makes me wish I owned an Insurance Company... makin money hand over fist...

@kaashia: Well... I'm not sure his situation, although I guess to be fair if you can't float the extra money maybe you shouldn't be spending on such an unnecessary item. I will say that when I got my iPhone 3G, which was an upgrade and I got it at an AT&T store, they were unwilling to put it on my account. I had to

@A.Jaswal: That is not what's happening here. Imagine if you went to buy a car that had a $1000 rebate... published. In fact, the person in front of you GETS the rebate with no questions asked... When you ask the salesman treats you like you're trying to get $1000 for doing nothing... I mean... you KNOW the original

@webdevmike: ahhhh man? Did you open mine???

It's for this VERY reason that it sucks that you aren't allowed to downgrade your OS. I predict that legally Apple may have to change this policy because of this very incident.

@mrmcarter: I know right??? I mean... my 3G has NEVER even turned on because it literally has NO battery life... I bet it's one amazing phone thou... how can they SLEEP at night knowing a 16% improvement on nothing is nothing...

@matt_mcmhn: Me too... now I'm TOTALLY on board ;)

Update - Speedy :)

Is it too much to ask for MobileMe to not break with syncing... sigh... I'm glad I checked... Not only doesn't it sync... but I can't even get the thing to reset and reload contacts...

Another new feature I didn't see mentioned... you can now edit an event in the calendar and change what calendar it belongs to... previously you had to assign it when you created the contact and, once assigned, it couldn't be changed (on the phone)

@trunicated: so... go AHEAD and look at the stores after the difference... I have both an iPhone and an Android phone... believe me... there is PLENTY of crap available for an Android phone.

@icest0rrm: yea... well it's too bad your "Android" doesn't work on an iPhone, the phone with the best hardware in the world and with the largest App store by FAR. Check IT out.

@Farscyde: Now wait one minute... did WE say that to YOU when Android shipped??? "Welcome to the party...."

@G-Ram: Why would you bother taking the time to type that when your new phone will already have iOS4 when you pick it up Thursday ?

@m0unstr0: I thought so... within 30 minutes of getting it home all my 800+ contacts were loaded, music loaded and the maps app gave me directions to a pizza joint I'd never been to on the other side of town as well as the number (which I only had to tap to dial) to order a pizza, and then directions from there to the