
@Mark 2000: Yep... I got there once this morning... just once. sigh...

uhhh... what "kinks" did they need to iron out of the first iPhone? I had one and it was a marvelous device... no issues.

@12345: Well... skinning (and I owned a WM HTC) certainly improved the aesthetics of the interface, but it can't take what is a crap mobile operating system at it's core and fix it. I almost ran off the road once trying to call up the phone app... HTC is actually one of the few companies in this segment that probably

@armendni: your touch button stopped working??? I haven't heard of that... they SHOULD be much more reliable than a mechanical button... thank god for the ability to turn it on in different ways.

@Guizzy: Well... it's a good argument that you pose, and we'll see what happens. To be honest, I think RIMs hardware (and software) is substandard compared to the iPhone. I've spent extensive time using both, and while there are plenty of things about the iPhone that I feel can be improved upon, EVERY time I use a BB

@12345: That's EXACTLY what I mean... WM5 and 6 phones sucked. It's not HTCs fault that WM sucks so bad... at the same time, even though nobody was doing this at the time, it WAS HTCs decision to not invest in trying to make their own mobile OS that was better... I'm not saying that's easy... but you can't talk about

@Guizzy: Well... the Blackberry has been around a LOT longer than the iPhone... and guess what else... Blackberry, as they were the only game in town for a longtime, has been heavily invested in by corporate IT... BEFORE the iPhone came out... take away those corporate footholds and BB wouldn't even be a player.

@Ninety-9: oh yea... and despite the Storm FOLLOWING the iPhone... it sucked... bad. just ask the RIM CEO.

@Ninety-9: Well... the Blackberry is HARDLY in the same league... Until the storm, the Blackberry was just another smartphone... how asinine is it to have a trackball that just sidescrolls through icons. The iPhone took NOTHING from the Blackberry... except a huge list of what NOT to do.

@Mark 2000: I couldn't agree more... Again... the fools at Motorola STILL just don't get it... The iPhone showed them that full phone touch screens were the future... what's Motorolas contribution to the advancement??? Make it bigger... That company is a trainwreck and needs to go away.

@virgil.ierubino: Any magazine worth anything (including all the magazines on a typical newsstand) are printed at WAY more than 300dpi. Photographs and halftones are usually printed at a linescreen of 200-300 lpi. Basically... that means the true resolution of the plates is high enough to create "pixels" at 200-300

@John Addis: well... that's 1 bit color... but in general I agree with you... think MY retina is more accurate than 326 dpi... but I'll test that theory on the 24th :)

@minibeardeath: geez... try not to be SO obvious in your hatred for Apple... and try to remember that HTC didn't make ANYTHING relevant UNTIL the iPhone...

ummm... Microsoft can't predict what users need for next years OS... who the f*^& is SO stupid they would ask them to predict the future of automobiles??? the new KR is destined for flames.