
First off... all we can reasonably judge is the MSRP... and the ZR1 being relatively limited, I would expect that at least some dealers will respect the MSRP and sell accordingly. I also think that it speaks volumes about Chevrolet and the Corvette that there could even be some significant number of people who know

It’s not tough... not tough at all. I just did it a couple times. I just LOVE people who only live to nit pick other people for stupid things instead of contributing intelligently themselves.

Are you a $150,000 Corvette owner? Cause that’s “buying a nicer car,” and I think most people would be put out in spending that much money and getting GM quality and “value” switchgear.

Good luck when you try to sell it unless you can perfectly rebadge it. I would never buy a lower badged car that someone “insists” is a legit higher badged car. I don’t care if I can look at the exhaust, engine, and interior and it all looks right. Not gonna take the chance. Even with the right VIN... just smells

So while I agree about the ineffectiveness of many of the Batmobiles, you’ve gone too pedestrian. Your Batmobile looks more like a Mad Max vehicle. While I agree about more needed space, etc., you’re forgetting that the Batmobile needs to look sleek, high-tech, but most of all INTIMIDATING. Not the “this was cobbled

Why are so many pickup drivers assholes...

Well it’s a darn good thing Ford ditched all it’s economical cars.

boooo! I loved the 80's cars.

Kate... you’re my long lost Instant Pot sibling. I, too, have just recently purchased an 8qt. Instant Pot Ultra and I’m really impressed by it, I have yet to considering it something cultish for me.

Why would someone vandalize your car over this? You’re picking on the Trump fans and I only see one nutjob here.

yea...... but that’s gonna change when more and more vehicles are electric. Add to that the fact that gasoline powered car fires don’t need to be so closely monitored for 6 hours... don’t spontaneously reignite, and can be put out by mere mortals where lithium fires cannot... there’s a storm brewing on the horizon

Elon Musk is easy to hate because of the inferior way he treats everyone. We’re ALL stupid to Elon and need to just let him run things the way he wants them run. If he ran a country he’d be a dictator. Even without a country, he’s still got the dic part down.

Don’t worry... the data Elon Musk is using is secured.


Can we just get rid of that stupid 29 year old? I’m sure the world isn’t losing a great thinker here and... BONUS... domestic situation resolved.

Kristen... you want to scream because screaming can be contagious... and the back of the car is screaming.

Oh I dunno... send a modern, equivalent sized Toyota SUV through that and see how it does. I’m not saying it WON’T make it... but I’m not as confident in it as I would be in the Hilux.

What YOU’RE missing here is that unions were derived from the altruistic need to provide workers some protection in the workplace when there were no laws in place to provide it. Business has always been in place to make money and has laws and other checks and balances to control it. Once laws and oversights caught up

So these are the people that run the organizations that 1) convinced our stupid government to bail them out because they don’t know how to run a company, 2) are behind the “Buy American” campaigns because they can’t make a product that’s competitive enough in it’s own right, and 3) have parking lots for American cars

To Tesla’s official reply: Nope. Your reply, to me, solidifies what was reported by Wired and here’s why... You didn’t effectively, directly deny ANY of these instances/allegations. Your (faulty) argument is, rather, “Could Tesla have gotten here is this is how we acted?”