

We don’t need LiDAR... cameras are MORE than good enough.

Honestly... don’t buy a Stellantis product if you need to depend on it.

Fads always look like this.

Nope... this is why you don’t buy a Tesla.

Well... 1., it should be NO surprise to anyone that driver assistance tech isn’t foolproof and can’t be relied upon to drive for you. Every manufacturer acknowledges this, and make YOU acknowledge this. 2., How about we don’t drink and drive and then you don’t have to worry that is WAS your ineptitude due to your

Fucking entitled 25-year old.

What stereotype of EV owners being laid back and friendly? EV owners are often snobby, judgmental assholes which is why they bought their EV in the first place!

I absolutely LOVE my Audi... but you just touched one of two exceptional sore points for me. I have a $130K Audi S8... a BEAUTIFUL car capable of close to 200mph. Sensors abound for EVERYTHING... except tell me something more than low tire pressure or flat tire. Seems safe for a 4,700 lb. super car. Very unAudi-like

Nope... you Andy have got this one correct. It’s no more than a CHOICE and if Mercedes, Audi, and the other diligent brands not only do it, but have been doing it for YEARS, the other automakers can get their shit together.

Jalopnik writing is shit and this is the last straw for me. All this list does is tear down some of the greatest TV cars in history AND COMPLETELY MISSES THE POINT OF WHAT MAKES THEM GREAT. Owen... you’re shit and please stop writing about cars and switch to purses or agriculture or some shit like that. 

Hi... I hate manual transmissions. Can I write an article about the 718? This reminds me why I hate Jalopnik and the kids that write for it.

I invite Mazda to have a go competing on really any level against my S8. Good luck.......

Elon is an arrogant ass for insisting that cameras are all that are “necessary.”

Dear Jalopnik,

If you can’t keep your ads from consuming more than half the vertical space of your content area, then I can’t spend my time coming here anymore.

Thanks from a patron from the beginning

If I never hear the name Musk again the world will smell much, much better.

Actually... from an American brand, the 1993 Ford Explorer Limited had the most comfortable seats I ever remember experiencing. My dad worked for Ford and we had more than our fair share of Lincolns (Mark VII, Mark VIIIs, Continentals, and Town Car) and the original Explorer Limiteds front seats eclipsed them all.

I think the advertisers are simply exercising their right to free speech when they tell Musk to go fuck himself.

I was just quoting from the subhead of the article. NASCAR even talking about the relevance of emissions from the cars feels pandering to socially “important” topics of the day. Electric cars in NASCAR make sense for their performance potential, not their reduced emissions.

Not in a design this generally old. Plane parachutes in actual manufactured planes is relatively new.