Blake Shelton isn’t exactly sure why Gwen Stefani digs him so much.
Blake Shelton isn’t exactly sure why Gwen Stefani digs him so much.
Team K Stew 4 lyfe.
I guess because it’s late Friday afternoon but this essay confuses me...what’s the thesis statement? That women who are body-shamed shouldn’t be “clapping back”?
Preach! Mel C carried that whole thing vocally.
Wow very rude to Sporty, who legitimately has the best voice of any of them.
I’d be so sad if this place disappeared. I have so much fun here. I love you all!
Seth Woken
I'm so literal about themes, I'd show up wrapped in HDMI cables and microchips.
Orgy. At. The. Rave.
Really not sure what you’re supposed to do on the last day of your twenties?
Airports are a particular nightmare for people on the autism spectrum, like Boyle. One of my dear friends is a brilliant academic who’s got some serious Asperger’s; airports are a special kind of hell for her.
I firmly believe that having to fly on a plane, no matter how briefly, should allow you several days of complaining about how awful it was and how much it took out of you. Breakdowns are all part of the process of air travel.
So we’re supposed to read “Bey” as “bee”, right? Because there’s no way I can see it and not automatically read it in my head as sounding the same as “bay”. I can’t be the only one who has this problem.
*raises hand* I have also maybe and probably had an airport breakdown. Haven't we all?
idk, i think he’s becoming john travolta slash kesha and it’s freakin me out
Yes, it was unfathomable. It was a young husband and wife, and the woman was pregnant. He targeted them completely at random.
This made me think of my senior year, when a classmate killed a local couple solely because he wanted to see if he was “smart enough” to plan a murder and get away with it. Spoiler alert: He didn’t.
Yeah, so you can be killed by a woods-dwelling survivalist psycho in peace.
And this is when that tiny house in the woods starts to look real appealing again.