
Whether Doris Roberts is playing an Italian or a Jew (or both), it's always still basically the same kind of one-note character. It got old long before Raymond.

Yours, too.

I'm not trying to troll anyone. Some would (& in fact, do, in many cases) call it protesting, which is how this country got started. There are plenty of places for me to post &, where I see the need for another perspective, I do think it's important
to offer it.

I believe this is meant to be an expression of opinions (both the article & all the comments). Others are allowed to express their opinions & so am I. Don't like it? Too bad. My comments are not meant as a joke or parody & it's pretty crude to dismiss my opinions (however much you may disagree with them) as mere

That's a shameful disservice to society.

Couldn't disagree more vehemently with some of the series included here.

It probably was Matt Roush. Never thought much of him. Wondering what made him change his mind so radically.
Pre-"Friends", LeBlanc was fun as a guest star on "Married…With Children" & "Just The Ten Of Us";
Aniston was good on Julie Brown's sketch-com,
"The Edge" ('92) & in the movie "Leprechaun" ('93),
while Kudrow

Unsold pilot What-ifs—

Ftr—Andrew is taken from the root "Andro-",
meaning masculine or male.

Re: "…Harry…Sally":

Frankly, I've really never been impressed with Meg Ryan.

With that name—Harry Potter—& the subject matter,
all the movies & books were delving into derivation to begin with—

I have to admit, I actually hadn't noticed "Soap" until it went into reruns, but then I quickly made up for lost time. Yes, Mulligan was a huge standout (& won some Emmys, I believe). No, I don't remember Billy Crystal's variety show, but, actually, I usually do remember shows that impress me, even if they're very

Yes, Rivers really never recovered. Young people today only know her as a tabloid-type celebrity interviewer instead of the stand-up comic she started out as; similarly, the Village People movie "Can't Stop The Music" effectively killed Nancy Walker's career when she directed it. I think Crystal made it out safely

The first movie about the world's first pregnant man was 1978's "Rabbit Test", starring Billy Crystal, directed by Joan Rivers!!—

Again, there's nothing "incoherent" about anything I've posted. If you're not familiar with the word "Junctism", well, you will be if misandry ever recedes Maybe you felt you were trying to be funny or something with your first reply. If so, that wasn't very effective; or maybe I just find it difficult to have any

I'm not. I'm just over your head, that's all. I wouldn't criticize others for ignorance if I were you (thank goodness I'm not). I suggest you not submit another reply unless/until you've actually got something worthwhile or constructive to offer.
You're embarrassing yourself.

Trying to imagine your vague, limited notion of "imagination", but I better not try too hard. Wouldn't want to get sucked into that mindset. Besides, I think other posters have made my point for me & have offered a much more sympathetic, fair & sometimes tragic take on the song's situation (or their own, which is

Classic Junctism. The truth is more important than whatever the latest "trend" mentality is. Don't expect everyone to be "with" whatever you're "with". How does audio/video equate with misandry, anyway? I guess I didn't realize this was a pretentiously snooty club, or maybe that's just you, hmm?

Re: "Cat's In the Cradle"—