
I do blame LZ for making such (imo) crappy music, but I also blame the media for hyping & focusing so damn much on it, at the expense of so many other groups/artists/songs. As for eggs, sucking would just take too damn long for me. I'd rather eat them. Can't say what LZ would do, though

…only because their music is constantly pushed to the level of ubiquitousness everywhere, whether anyone likes it or not. I don't, having little patience with their songs' simple-mindedness, pretentiousness & monotony…or was your reply meant in culinary terms?


Uh, yeah, it did. Incidentally, her first album was 2 years before her "Solitude Standing", which had "Luka" & the original a cappella "Tom's Diner" on it. Yes, other artists had done acoustic-based music before, but it was all but dead by the mid-'80s. Vega re-introduced it to a new generation—before "MTV Unplugged"

Ahem!! Special mention should be made here for one of the best film IDEAS ever, that sadly ended up being perhaps THE WORST film of all time—"The Purge"!!! The tagline—"One night a year, all crime is legal." The possibilities are mind-blowing. However, the result does not even TRY to meet any of the best (or even

Bruce Greenwood's signature role, as far as I'm concerned, is Tom Veil in the TV cult classic "Nowhere Man".

This sort of thing probably started with "Bewitched", which, a few seasons in, boasted a revolving cast of characters so broad that you couldn't really be sure who would pop up next (Darrin's mother Phyllis, complaining to husband Frank about her "sick headaches", the latest practical joke from Uncle Arthur, a

Actually, the whole "Unplugged" idea had started back in 1985 with the debut album from Suzanne Vega. Listen to the whole thing & keep in mind what the mid-'80s were like. No one else would do anything like this for a couple of years.

Will Ferrell always has to advertise his movies so heavily, just to try to convince people that they're actually funny & that he is. Most comedies can easily come across well in advertising, if they're good & done well, though darker comedies & satire might require an unusual approach. Of course, Ferrell wouldn't know

I'm pretty disgusted that a flavor as welcome as butterscotch has to be used as a tie-in to a Will Ferrell movie (especially when it's a sequel to one based on the idea that San Diego is replete with male chauvinism—I was stuck in San Diego for a long time & it was basically feminist central). I'm gonna have to