
Gaga has 100% had a nose job.

She challenged Remy to respond in 72 hours when it took her three weeks, ad she couldn’t even do it alone? I see...

2.1 million people liked that Kylie Jenner post. 448k have signed the White House petition to have Donald’s taxes released.

I feel like I have been waiting for her new season to start forever. Can’t wait until the 31st for the new series to begin!

Yeah Tone is who I’m thinking of. He didn’t also date Bette? Karina Longworth would be so displeased with me right now.

Oh, really?

Natalie Portman is so going to win Award Season this year.

Oh. Gentle internet hugs to you. Many years ago, our family buried a grandma, an uncle and an infant nephew. It was a horrible time and I just managed to put one foot in front of the other for a long time.

Best wishes for you

OMG so sorry, sympathise with you coming from similar situation at 25😢

I am so sorry for your loss.

I’m terribly sorry. My mother lost both her parents in the same week about a month after 9/11. I was in my 20s and it was really hard to lose my beloved grandparents. I can’t imagine losing my parents.

Oh, hugs to you. I lost my grandma and my dad (her son) within months of each other in 2014. So hard, even though I was 40 and had been incredibly lucky to have my grandma in my life for that long.

So sorry for your loss. Hope you’re doing okay. <3

I’m so sorry. Internet hugs.

I’m sorry for your losses.

My favorite is when she posted a video on her instagram making fun of a mentally ill woman from the comfort of her limo.

Honestly, why is this website still kissing Nicki’s ass after the shit she pulled with the homeless, mentally ill woman? Surely you can find a better woman of color to write about.

I really don’t get why we don’t drop nicki. Jez posted that article about how problematic it was that she performed for that Angolan dictator and she went on to post bragadocious pics for weeks and state that she didn’t give a fuck. She’s openly proud for being homophobic and when fans asked her to comment on the