
I want a supremely bitchy, exacting, borderline cruel Remy-Taylor Swift collaboration tearing into Nicki and Katy Perry and I HOPE TO GOD that Katy Perry’s crying mercy yesterday doesn’t fuck this up for me.

The Southern Belle in me loves Taylor’s “bless her heart” vibe.

I manage a coterie of sub 18 year old girls, and was informed tonight that this was a publicity stunt directly in answer to Ms. Swift releasing her catalogue to streaming media. It was also opined that miss Miley was a “good girl” now that she was getting married, and by removing herself from the drama, it created a

Well maybe now he knows how it feels to hear a joke about race, to a person who looks around and doesnt see that many with a shared experience.


Family money.

Go after an actor for a religion they don’t push publicly seems dangerously crazy. This isn’t a healthy thing to do.

Never underestimate the ability of “woke” Gawker writers to utterly dismiss any criticism when their own bigotry is called out. You are attacking someone because of their religion, that is bigotry.

I don’t even understand what this means.

Sorry but if the application has to include “How did Lemonade affect your life”, I am seriously calling shenanigans.

Ugh I hate when people do shit like that. Maybe married men should stop philandering?

I was so proud of him, and his wokeness, and his black wife and black kids and his “sit down!” to white folks moment.

This isn’t appropriation. This whole controversy is a bundle of weirdness.

You said: Does this mean I have lived - or even fully understand - the daily systematic, holistic economic and cultural oppression of women of color? Not at all.

Then, the company decided to ‘white wash’ the BLACK WOMAN to a look that they believe is more palatable to white women like you — a polyethnic looking light skinned woman with wavy hair that is NOTHING like 99% of their patrons, thinking that black woman would be fooled into thinking this is ‘inclusion’, so they can

The same thing as happens when you moisturize anyone’s hair: it depends on the hair. I’m a white girl and I need about a quarter bottle of conditioner, applied twice for as long as possible, then about a quarter cup of pure argan oil after it dries just to keep it a non-frizzy mess. Then I can go a week without

Not representing them? If I’m to understand this correctly, this company has been around for at least a few years, marketing and advertising exclusively to black women. They throw one or two lighter-skinned women in an ad or two and suddenly black woman feel *excluded*?

So let me get this straight. Black woman loved a product until they saw a lighter-skinned woman using it? And now they hate it?

So as a white woman with very curly, dry hair, I’m relegated to Sauve even though hair care products marketed to black women give me a better result?

I get highly annoyed when white savior is wrongly thrown out as a critique of a story.