
Nice of Schur to go on the record about it, but I wonder if and how other Parks and Rec people, like Amy Poehler and Aziz Ansari will react, considering those two also have CK’s manager. It’s one thing to say ‘yeah, sorry, I guess’ it’s another to disentangle yourself from the people who helped perpetuate this

Counterpoint: These sorts of rumors should be taken seriously.

And don’t give me that “father of daughters” bullshit.

You don’t need to be a father of daughters to respect women.

I say this as someone who has been grabbed inappropriately twice at a bar.

I can’t believe I’m having to say this but, as a millennial guy who has, in fact, been to bars, clubs, gyms, and, um, apartments, I have never been sexually harassed by a female.

He didn’t have an obligation to confront LCK when the rumors came out, or try to personally ascertain whether it was true or not. But if he felt ambivalent, he certainly could’ve refrained from writing a return appearance for him to come back onto the show years later. He weighed the fan service/ratings aspect over

Well, shit. I guess everyone who kept on being annoyed about those rumors being presented as facts are going to eat their words now.

Beware, beware, BEfuckingWARE men who call themselves feminist. Most of the time, they are covering up some truly shitty stuff. It’s a really convenient cover and works as a gaslighting-enhancer. These guys are all over. All predators use every tool they can to throw people off their scents. It’s their modus operandi.

If I’m reading at least the joint claim from two accusers right, he asked for permission but did not actually wait for or seem to care about consent. He asked and then did it anyway.

The thing that bothers me most is that Louis has made it look like he is a feminist. He talks about misogyny and how terrible men can be. He writes strong female characters in his television show. All a fucking front. It was all pretend, which I should’ve known. Fuck this guy.  

2017: When I’m done you’ll WISH they were dead!

Amen. If you’re curious exactly what kind of repercussions they were all afraid of, hang out in the comment threads of these articles. Comedy bros worship this guy and every excuse under the sun is about to come out.

There no anonymous allegations, just a rumor that somehow managed to be 100% exactly what happened magically as if pulled from the ether.


Man, 2017 looked back at 2016 and asked, “what’s worse than a year devoted to killing off your favorite celebrities? I got this.”

Amazing to watch the people who tried to quash concerns about a sexual predator act like they have the moral high ground.

Amidst all the wailing and gnashing of teeth, hopefully the AV Club commentariat will find it in their hearts to praise the courage of these brave women, who will now have to deal with a ton of flaming shit from every beardbro on the Internet in addition to whatever backlash they suffer in their careers. And that’s

Thank you. The fucking comments on the Louis CK story have been awful for so long because of those people.

They also owe Tig Notaro an apology for calling her “ungrateful” and shit for daring to speak out about this.

So, all the bros who spent the last few months screaming at Katie Rife for daring to talk about this and INSISTING THAT THERE WAS NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT until some accusers came forward and until then this was just a plot by mean ol’ Jezebel and AV Club to smear poor Louie...

What now about Hilaria and Jeff Goldblum?