
born and raised in sw ontario and it's a very common way to wrap up a convo. I personally make great use of it as I'm a passive aggressive coward.

finding out what you love *can be really fucking hard.*

I thought the same thing.

men are so weird.

my ex's grandma came here from Czech Republic by herself when she was 4-5. Pretty sure a 7 year old can walk to the nearby park.

losing your live in best friend is the hardest part, but it's surprising how quickly you're able to change those habits.

you'll be so glad he's moving so far away. My ex broke up with me three months ago... I had to see him today and it all comes back. I was doing good. And then he had to go and I remembered that all of the happiness and progress I make means nothing without him.

it is now :/

Anyone who thinks they may have any kind of sex should have ril tidy fingernails.

I can't believe you noticed!

girl, all of us.


meh. tell that to the majority of rape victims who knew their rapists, who had no reason to believe that getting drunk would be an invitation.

if tipped workers had to be paid the same as non-tipped workers, there would be absolutely no reason to tip anything from the perspective of the vast majority of Americans.

seems the people replying to you want a black and white, hard and fast rule. call the police or break the window. why can't we tap on the window to see if the kid/pet is okay? if you don't get a response, break the window then call the police. if the kid smiles and waves, call the police to give their parents the fear

My favorite part is how it translates to real life. I often see men with women above their level attractive-wise (who ever can tell about personality) but rarely the other way around. Take for example, most of the short arc guys from sex and the city. Yuck. And irl, I think some guys come to expect this.

yeah, we've started keeping the toilet seat in our bedrooms with us. you'll have to figure that out. and we had our water turned off, sorry for the inconvenience! no, i don't know why the stove and fridge aren't working. oh yeah, we had to take the door off the place you sleep because the dog wants in there so often,

it's like people are waiting for others to fuck up so they can say 'i would NEVER do that!'. just stop with it all. you'd never do something until you do it.

I wonder, what it must feel like to have NEVER, EVER made a mistake before?

Seriously. The human brain can only do so much at once. It's difficult to drive, play with your kids, give thought to the presentation you have in an hour and plan your weekend away all at once. In this juggling act, say your kid falls asleep. You come to a tidy conclusion about your presentation and you're trying to