
here's a site i check out once in a while. the author lurks around extremist mra sites and posts his own rebukes on his blog. have a look. i can assure you that, at it's most extreme, is nothing compared to the sites he gets his ammo from.

fyi, we feminists have this same trouble. not sure if serious or trolling.

Four things you never get involved with online: Race, gender rights, religion, and politics. If you stay away from those, you'll do okay on the internet.

wouldn't mind it with clooney :)

i remember a black friend in university telling me about how he was running late for his first history class and when he walked in, he was struck by a sea of whiteness. i immediately thought of that when i read this article, and how it's likely a common experience for a poc in many parts of this continent (i'm in

went to school in ottawa and i've had both. miss 5 classes and you fail, do terribly on attendance and you will lose out on an easy 15%. the miss 5 classes class was a 4th year women studies-focused canadian studies course.

yeah, it wasn't "she looks too skinny, must be unhealthy". it's "her doctor said her healthy weight was 10lbs heavier and she's decided to go against that despite it not being healthy for her". which is a great example of how a strict beauty code hurts everyone.

you can do anything you want in this world. but there will be consequences. feel free to piss in a jar, but don't be surprised if you get kicked out of the mall or are forced to register as a sex offender. but do what you want to do.

on top of what rokokobang said, you should be careful about distorting reality to be what you wish it were.

i believe the specific brand of logically unsound here is false equivalency.

i guess you're a big proponent of birth control being paid for or discounted by the government, right? since the women are ultimately responsible, you as the not responsible one will want to make sure they have all the tools they could require.

classic bergsy.

what i'm saying is that simply isn't enough. i can, as a white person, speculate day and night about what it is to be a black person in north america today, but i'd still just be speculating. i will never know what it's like to have articles like this written about me, to have the system set up against me, to be

you don't get to say 'in my experience' when talking about how men treat women and how that makes them feel. i'm not being rude. this is a fact.

this also gets dismissed. fuck off forever douchbag!

lol this is old. aaaand you're dismissed.

They find me. When I'm walking down the street and some yells bitch at me, or when a guy touches me when he's trying to get by. It doesn't have to be that a guy assaults a woman or calls her names, it could be that he keeps pushing when he hasn't been engaged.
If I'm in line at Starbucks and some guy starts with me, if

i'm really not understanding the point you're trying to make. give guys who harass women a break because they might have other shit going on? men are rejected a lot so we should understand when they call us a cunt for not giving them our phone numbers?