kinja, you slay me.
kinja, you slay me.
it would appear that i was de-greyed. i can't tell if it's all mainpage or just this comment. i didn't mind earning my stars the first time i had to get ungreyed, but i shouldn't have been demoted yesterday in the first place.
just wanted to point out that because i disagreed with an author yesterday, i have been demoted to the greys next to the guy that wants to troll jezebel by talking about masturbating to kate upton.
i'm thinking it's like when my boss argues against working from home. he's like, working at home is great and it works for a lot of people. for others, it's not an environment where a person gets shit done and for our company, cooperation and team work are things that need to be done face to face. when i first heard…
i google image'd lace front wigs and was overjoyed to see this:
Likewise... My parents look kinda of similar as far as white people with brown hair and blue-green eyes go, so they brought much of the same genes to the table. My sisters and I are in our mid 20's and people still say we look like triplets. But none of us are exact replicas of our parents. My boyfriend is his father…
i'm not sure why we would want to divorce a garment that is still widely used by millions of women from it's purpose, history and role. this is a tool that women simultaneously express themselves with and are oppressed by. it is not up to you or lady gaga to decide that over two thousand years of history should be…
gaga doesn't need to provoke this conversation because it's already happening. those who are interested in the topic and paying attention to it are discussing what roles burqas do have or could have or should have in our western world and the ex-pat world and the muslim world and the third world, etc. if you're…
what is offensive is that it smacks of privilege to be able to step in and out of the pros and cons of wearing a burqa if it's just fashion to you. like, i could try to make it a fashion to be confined to a wheel chair. the pro is maybe i'd get some weird satisfaction out of being different and getting attention. the…
eggs. fucking eggs. pardon me while i vomit everywhere.
there's a brew pub near my place that does this and you betcha i go there more often than other places.
agreed. likewise for any dish i ask to not have meat in it. i got a pasta dish at boston pizza last night and my boyfriend got a meatless salad. i asked for it without the chicken and the server was like, well why don't i bring the chicken out on the side and you can choose to eat it later or something? i don't eat…
i wasn't disagreeing :)
i await the day the employee doesn't roll their eyes at you when you ask for the salad option without the meat in it. what's the world coming to when even salad isn't vegetarian?
there's a bit of a disconnection here when we know that a) healthy people come in all shapes and sizes and b) eating right and exercising makes you healthy and can also help you lose weight. it's just a matter of how you work out those moving pieces. speaking in definites and generalizes i.e. all fat people are…
dissenters to the left, i guess.
you might be wrong brings up an example of when you'd want to wield the power of the dismiss button.
appreciate :) i think you'll find the dismiss button to come in handy sometimes. some people are dicks but not the entertaining kind.
regular commentors can dismiss anyone who replies directly to their comment, i.e. you could dismiss this. but i'm not sure if you can do it if you're in the grey.