
"so what do you do to keep your skin so nice?"

i would like 'pooter' stricken from the records.

i have some 'splaining to do to my mom.

Except girls is actually happening. As in, 2 seasons with quantifiable view/download stats.

No need to be a dickball. Kapaijj was trying to be helpful, though maybe misguided. If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't waste your time replying.

I personally don't have a romantic bone in my body and I don't want an engagement ring. That said, I'm sure there will come a time where my boyfriend and I start to circle the drain known as marriage. We'll discuss it and within a few weeks or months, hopefully he'd propose. It doesn't mean it wasn't mutual or that he

Queefs are an unfortunate part of sex... I blame him though. If he pulls out in a certain way or pushes the air in, it's simply a game of physics.

Strange how that goes, eh? If I broke all my fingers and absolutely needed him to change a pad, I wouldn't have to ask twice. I would probably find a way to change it with my toes but its nice to know he wouldn't just lock me in the bathroom for a week.

And he's going to go fucking crazy wild and get caught drunk driving with prostitutes. I see it too. He seems to need to show her off, which I don't think is her style.

We've had an unspoken pact for over 6 years and I'm happy with that. We burp around each other all the time, I've seen him puke into a bag, he's been up close and personal with my period stuffs. but no farts. Well, no soundy farts. We can just do it quietly so it's not a thing.

Wait, so booze is bad for you? Ruh-roh.

Your experience is worse! You win the grand prize! Congratulations!

It could just be the way it's been edited but...

the ginger pubes are strong in this one.

baby tiiiimmmsss


stationary. be still my heart.

yes. this is the state of this current demographic. it's like saying that a high percentage of toddlers aren't toilet trained and blaming them for being idiots. that's just what it is to be a part of that demographic.

i guess what i'm saying is that these trend pieces about millennials aren't all about middle class white girls who have life so hard. if you're tired of these kinds of stories and feel like none of it applies to you somehow, then don't read them. but this is the reality for many people, not just middle class white

that's if i were to live on the street starting today. nope nope nope.