
I feel like I've become pretty immune to all the haunted house heebie heebie stories but somehow The Hand got me as well

“The Hand” is my favourite this year, I think. The thought of just a floating hand is creepier to me than any beastie in a horror movie for some reason. The crawlspace one is also fucked. It reminds me of one maybe last year or the year before where a girl’s neighbour was watching her through a little cave they’d made

Very creepy. FYI it’s “towhead” (old European reference to the light blonde color of the fiber of flax or hemp before spinning). . . “Toe head” conjures up another image entirely ;)

For some reason, the red fingernails are the creepiest detail. Aaggghhhh

This story isn’t scary, and there are so many other stories on here that I doubt anyone will read it...but it IS true, I wanted to share it somewhere, and folks in my normal life would probably roll their eyes, so...

Best I’ve read yet this year!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaa

I bet if you checked into the morse code translation the knocks said “told ya so, you smug little shit”. ;)

Dude, this guy I dated years ago told me the same story, but instead of Spain, it was in Chicago.

Nope, not buying it.

I thought about suicide every day. My ex told me it was probably the best thing for the children.

this is a scary story contest

Aaahhh! That’s terrifying!

Also, your story reminds me of “The Beast with Five Fingers” by W.F. Harvey, a classic horror story that legit gave me nightmares after it had percolated in my subconscious for a bit. Evil disembodied hands are horrifying!

Ok granted we are all going to want to revisit these for the whole month- what are your tips for reading the stories? Sorting by oldest? Newest? After a week or so I can never find my place again. Jezebel FLOG please find a new format or something for these. Or close the post at midnight and make a new one each day. 

I like spooky things, but I wouldn’t consider myself a big believer of the supernatural. In fact, if this hadn’t happened to me, I would easily write all ghost stories off to be just that - stories. But it did, and for 30 years it has lingered in the back of my mind “was that real?”.