
I wish it were fake (and that I could be that creative), but it’s actually real 🙈 I was terrified of dismembered hands and they seemed to be everywhere those days (hamburger helper, thing, evil dead, etc) so its likely I projected this image onto a thing I felt. I have no idea, kid brains are super weird.

Right? Sometimes it would be thin and gnarled. Other times fat and bloated, like it was underwater for a time. And on some occasions, it would be gloved. Still white, but with red threaded accents. Bleh, the worst.


Oh my goodness, looking up now! And agree on all of that, there are so many of them around WHY (Addams Family, Evil Dead, Hamburger Helper...all of them are a big fat NOPE for me)


I like spooky things, but I wouldn’t consider myself a big believer of the supernatural. In fact, if this hadn’t happened to me, I would easily write all ghost stories off to be just that - stories. But it did, and for 30 years it has lingered in the back of my mind “was that real?”.