
Nah, I’m pretty sure Kinja just sucks. Ooh, I got my “Kinja sucks” in right before EOB! Cheers!

Yeah, I thought 2019* was more or less confirmed.

Fair enough. :-)

Olive oil, lemon, dijon mustard, diced celery, herbs if you feel like it, lots of salt and pepper. And no worries if it sits out on a hot afternoon.

You never have to use mayo. There’s always a work around.

She, um, provided Davos with the fire of the gods, aka knowledge, by teaching him to read.

Woof. Yeah, I guess I hadn’t thought of it that way, about Jon’s specific plan for how to execute Tyrion’s plan! There are so many really fucking stupid parts of all these “plans” that none of them should have come together even as well as they did. I guess I’ll just have to stop watching the show now! (Said no one

Wait a minute. This doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Jon’s dumb and impulsive, but....the Trump of Westeros? There are many ways to be dumb and impulsive: dishonest, dumb, and impulsive; greedy, dumb, and impulsive; megalomaniacal, dumb, and impulsive; honor-bound, dumb, and impulsive; loyal, dumb, and impulsive. I

Totally. Just look at Ghost! Oh wait, we can’t, because GHOST WASN’T IN SEASON 7.

YES. I’ve been saying this all week! Er, mostly out loud while listening to podcasts.

At this point logic is not part of GoT’s charm.

This is a great point. It was also frustrating to me that Gendry never mentioned (or we never got to see him mention) that, “Hey, I spent like a whole year with your sister on the King’s Road. She’s a real pistol.”

At this point logic is not part of GoT’s charm.

But to be fair, that stupid decision was Tyrion’s. We’ve all been calling it “Jon’s plan” all week, but credit where’s it’s due: Jon may’ve led the expedition, but Tyrion came up with the plan. There’ve just been so many stupid decisions this season it’s really hard to keep track.

I thought the same thing!