Lauren Acquaviva

Eh. They deserve success, and they’re finding it without forgetting the little people they’ve always cared about. Kudos to them.

Bravo. Just...damn well said. It is the combination of ignorance, incuriousness, and ego that makes him so toxic and so incompetent

As a white lady, it’s when other white ladies start taking their earrings out that I start to worry. Until then they’re posturing. Once the earrings come out, I expect a David Attenborough voiceover to start talking me through the ordeal as strands of limp blonde hair go whipping through the air.

Someone set this to Primus, stat. These damn blue-collar tweakers...

I use #adulting as a slightly self-deprecating comment on the fact that I still am, at heart, more like a teenager. I always feel like I’m the kid in the room, full of adults who actually know how to do this stuff.

I have the window thing night, especially if I have any lights on, when I walk past a window I sort of scurry past it because I'm convinced there might be someone out there watching, or intending to come in. Maybe too many horror movies as a kid, since actual peeping tom's and home invasions are fairly rare

"Didn't You Love it Here" sounds like the author had an episode of sleep paralysis, which is an actual thing. My husband has been through it several times, and we met a coworker who we eventually found out experienced it too. As far as my husband is concerned, when he can move he wakes up screaming, very aggressively

I know you didn't ask me, but the same thing happened...when my now-husband and I started dating we both said we didn't want to be in an exclusive, monogamous, serious relationship. We fell in love on the first night we spent together, but we both still saw other people for a while, and then...well, it wasn't either

Wrong. Ever been to a Formula 1 race? It's the screaming sound that does the trick, at least for me...

You're magic - you nailed my favorite car of all time right there. Unfortunately limited production and so hard to find in the US, but my dream car nonetheless.
I'd like the M88 engine (euro specs, rather than the S38 for US market) , but the black interior that a handful of US market ones had, if you're offering ;)

Ok I don't see backward hand walking...what am I missing? Is it when the guy does wheel pose and stands up? I'm so lost...

Meh. Not my style, but very much inspired by Whitman, Ginsberg, etc. That kind of poetry can be hard to interpret unless you let go of seeing a logical explanation and go with sentiment. If I were to guess, it's about a romantic (physical) relationship, and then it ending with her wishing for more. Of course, it could

I think Pryor himself was raped, if I remember correctly. That almost certainly had an influence on his ability to discuss it in such a absolutely spot-on way

Clearly the right type of car is necessary. I'll take an E30 M3, or a 250 Testa Rossa. No sub necessary, just the engine block.

Butthole Jesus has some serious balls, too

No, I'm trying to figure out what the store is too.

You lost me at circumcision. Infant boys and infant girls deserve the same protections and rights - Specifically, to not have a part of their body cut off against their will, for cosmetic and moralistic purposes. Your comment about it reeks of ignorance.

He actually had minimal gunshot wounds...there were two huge incisions in his torso, both for last-ditch life saving efforts. The main one opens up the entire left side so someone can literally stick their hand through the ribs and massage the heart to attempt to keep it beating. The bruising is actually lividity from

On the "genetic abnormalities" part, I leave it to Emily Rapp, who lost her son Ronan to Tay Sachs on February 15th.