Uh...what the everloving fuck does being or not being a stay at home mother have to do with it? Please, enlighten my clearly repressed and downtrodden self.
Uh...what the everloving fuck does being or not being a stay at home mother have to do with it? Please, enlighten my clearly repressed and downtrodden self.
Yeah, it's not a joke at all.
And it's a very apt comparison. Circumcision was promoted as a way to stop boys from masturbating. In other words, make their sexual choices for them, assume that they're too stupid to wash their genitals, and deaden sensation so they can't enjoy sex as much. But that's nothing at all like FGM.
Yep, lets mock people who are fighting for the basic human rights for babies, genital autonomy, etc. Snark snark snark, because its cooler to reference Arrested Development than actually consider what he said and what it means. Namely, that if people want to cut their own dick skin off, or pay someone else to do it,…