
Don’t be such a boob-punch, Tina.

I am thrilled and yet totally Grinch level green right now with envy. I’m too much of a theater nerd to hold it against you though!

i am a very distant relative of hers and sometimes i get a sore mouth* so yes without a doubt this is true.

As any transperson could tell her. Proper hormone balance is key to mental functioning.

“D’oh, baby brain!” said I, the self-identified radical feminist. Good feminists are never supposed to impute anything to Lady Hormone stuff,

I dunno dude, I wish more people would take my SEVERE PMS seriously. Not just a “haha bad mood cause I’m raggin” but more “this is an actual thing that is happening to my body

If you buy one of each item, that’s whatever. It’s more so the people who clean house and leave nothing for people trying to actually something at an affordable price.

You are so wrong it’s not funny.

As long as we leave the 35-year-old women sitting quietly in the side rows alone, at least when the movie is made by Pixar. I don’t really want to borrow a friend’s kids to watch Inside Out.

Except didn't she stand up for the gay rights of her costar that played George on GA. I thought she was a huge activist for that and animals if I'm not mistaken.

>>“I’d love, love, love to see how this worthless internet generation would have handled Salman Rushdie back in the day. That would have been hilarious.”

Dear EazyPezy,

Can we just get it in our heads that it is not solely the duty of infertile people to carry the burden of our foster care systems? This woman has already adopted three anyways, but it seems like whenever an infertile person seeks to birth a biological child there are a bunch of people just waving their hands around

I’m sorry you’re a judgy asshole who shits on women’s choices.

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.