
Hey, I’m so sorry. I went through a similar thing a few months ago - I wanted the baby, but there were NO pros beyond “I want this” and the cons were huge. I am still dealing with it, and I think that’s OK. It’s a big deal no matter how pro-choice we are, so take the time to mourn and get through it however you need

I love Southern Charm so much, I think because it has actual real drama with the Thomas and Katherine stuff, otherwise I’m not sure it would have lasted beyond a season. I’m also kind of in love with Shep, so...

My heart pooped its pants that night.

I feel literally blessed that I somehow got to see Hamilton before it reached peak craziness, with the original cast, AND they all stage door-ed so I have pictures and autographs from almost everyone. Including a selfie taken with Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Not only should he not be a fucking cop, but somehow magically they don’t get nervous and shoot when there’s a white person with a gun.

Honestly I think to find someone Sonja HADN’T hooked up with Luann would have to leave Manhattan though...

The successful old bachelor playboy stereotype has a much different connotation though than successful unmarried woman. For a lot of really shitty reasons. But I don’t think people assume successful unmarried women have something wrong with them, I think they assume it just didn’t happen for them, whereas with guys

My heart is just broken over this. I cannot imagine how terrifying it must be to be black and be pulled over by a policeman, especially with a child in the backseat. No one should have to go through that and yet a huge portion of our country is forced to deal with it every day. Sickening.

Exactly! As someone who has extremely sensitive body chemistry (thanks, depression and anxiety!) I’m totally defensive about the fact that we simply just don’t always have control of our bodies and minds.

It’s really silly to me to not want to admit to hormonal stuff as a “feminist” thing. Hormones and neurotransmitters run our lives and have a huge effect on our bodies and minds, and so when they go through huge changes - pre-menstrual, menopause, pregnancy - things happen. There’s nothing un-feminist about it, men

Just a small correction - in cancer patients, you aren’t intentionally slowing down the immune system, that’s a side effect due to the fact that chemo targets rapidly dividing, growing cells (this is why chemo patients tend to have GI issues and lose their hair, because those cells are constantly being recycled.) When

That little kid has some awesome moves though.

My grad program actually doesn’t allow it.

This is my first year doing it so I don’t actually know! I think you only would report the profit you made, though. I am not looking forward to doing my taxes next year!

I didn’t create the scarcity though, Target did. They deliberately make these lines super limited to create buzz around them.

I mean, really? On most of this cheap Target stuff that’s like $5.

I actually am a Target reseller, I do it to make extra money during school. I don’t think I’m a bad person. I get up insanely early to be one of the first people in line, I only buy one of each item, and then I sell them on Ebay at a 25% mark-up, which I think is pretty fair for the convenience of not having to battle

My favorite moment of the whole series. My sister and I love to scream “DORINDAH!” in that weird Sonja voice whenever we are drunk.

What are you doing here without DORINDAH?

It’s not complicated. I’m sorry, because I’ve had to deal with this from some friends too. But if you’re “willfully ignoring” his stance on minorities and women, it’s because you actually don’t care about minorities and women. And that makes you a pretty bad person, no matter how nice and smart and generous you seem.