
Because firing medical staff any time they make a mistake makes people cover up their mistakes which leads to more harm. Unless there’s a trend of incompetence, firing people for even large mistakes, if they aren’t part of a pattern, results in people not reporting their errors. Also, often nurses are the front line

Except in health care there is a policy against that- because when people are afraid of messing up, they hide mistakes. It is MUCH better for us health care workers to be able to admit mistakes like this than to hide it. If her MA or whoever did this had said, “Oh shoot, this was a flu vaccine” and reported it that


Are you there husband?

Between yoga workouts, a privileged white woman wipes off her cucumber facial scrub, sets down her glass of Prosecco, and widens her eyes at her latest brilliant epiphany.

Soon, I hope, like drunk driving, wife beating, excluding people from the right to vote or marry, we will be able to see that killing animals for sport or for flavor is also barbarism

This proposal is equivalent in many ways to “humane” slavery:

Temple Grandin sagely points out that livestock exist largely so we can eat them. If we did not, they would not live at all. It is our responsibility to see that their lives are not living hells, but it is perfectly okay to kill and eat them, so long as we do so humanely.

I wonder how quickly tunes would change if, for example, Brian Greene’s wife introduced something to his anus while he was unconscious.

Sweet Monkey Jesus.

Now playing

decided to do it for anyone who wants to rip it off youtube

It’s a restaurant, not a bar, but we loved Caffe Soprano in the 3rd. It was a few years ago, but I think it’s still there on the Rue Dupetit-Thouars.

My advice would to be to try to learn a few phrases (une biere, s’il vous plait or whatever you might be ordering). They will be able to tell you are American and they will almost certainly respond in English, but they will be touched that you tried and treat you more kindly.

Remember when Lifetime made the grumpy cat movie at christmas? I got a chuckle out of it the first time I watched it, but I got so much more the second time when my mother in law found it on. Her confusion was like, existential crisis level and it was pretty much the highlight of Christmas.

Kind of feels those issues do ignore race though Erin which is pretty fucking important? I think there is another middle ground between not being a safe space, trigger warning and acknowledging that white liberal feminism does jack shit in lots of cases for black women (eta although all of those issues do for sure

Different active agents. Diphenhydramine is an anti-histamine, and the drowsiness caused by histaminergic antagonism does not impede normal respiration. Cold medicines feature anti-tussive agents that can prevent children from coughing, a reflex that exists to keep the airway clear, increasing the risk for aspiration

I appreciate you love your friends (or at least respect your friend’s guests) and I love the intention behind this post, but the jewellery here is remarkably unexceptional. I have better statement necklaces (costume, I’m not bragging about some incredible expensive bling) that I wear to walk my dog. I would love to

Isn’t that a bit of a cop-out though? I mean criticizing ISIS is easy. Fucking Al-Qaeda does it. They’re the abortion bombers of the Muslim world. It’s not just the far fetched radicals who are the problem it’s the conservatives who genuinely believe that because they think drawings of their prophet is offensive you

You could always take one if you want your cat to be in the book! :)

Good luck! I have a zillion cat photos but none are seasonal or themed in any way :(