Turns out doxxing a public official is highly illegal
Turns out doxxing a public official is highly illegal
Uh, no. I lost custody of my kids to my abuser, inspite of him pleading guilty to molesting a child, because he was a local politician. This means that every time I pick up my kids for my time, I have to face the man who literally beat me up and raped me and a male relative of mine. I also pay him child support. It’s…
I’ve been in a similar situation to your brother, and uh, that “the courts were biased to mothers, I really tried” line is usually bullshit.
And then they couldn’t fire you because that would be religious discrimination.
Honestly the Massachuttes Insitute of Technology is the only place Diaz is fit to teach.
I bet you know more about the music industry than HAIM does, it clearly never occurred or anyone else to them that everything is contextual! You should call them and explain that to them, I bet they’d appreciate your wisdom.
Then why did he pay for my friend’s kidney transplant 5 years ago? SHE was a crew member from How I Met Your Mother. Assholes don’t do that...they do however assassinate people’s character anonymously on the internet....
The fuck? No no no no. People were dying in childbirth a lot way, way before doctors delivering babies was a thing.
But still, it illustrates the finite nature of Mr. Rogers’s ideals. “I like you just the way you are,” he often said, but in the case of Clemmons there was a caveat: “...I just need you to show less of the way you are.” This information through the lens of contemporary culture, in which an employer legislating what…
If Kanye had ever bum-rushed someone who could kick his worthless ass, I might begin to respect his opinion. But who does he bum-rush? Skinny white girl, and skinny white hippie(Beck). Let’s see him do that to some metal band that would put him through their bass drum face first, or some larger rapper like LL Cool J.…
Lol. No. That was Kanye being all what is the crazy ridiculous thing I can do for attention.. that’s all it is. New album? Say crazy shit. People not paying enough attention? Talk some crazy shit. Ironically, the truth is that talking shit about Taylor and everyone/thing else is what made HIM famous.
This is a pretty shitty take from multiple angles.
I think there are a lot of places in what you wrote that seem to conflate “free thought” and “free speech”. And I don’t get the sense that Janelle Monáe is criticizing free thinking. She’s saying that some free thinking is shitty thinking, and when she encounters that she’s going to call it out. Calling it “free…
*jerking-off motion*
So you’re saying she should play Harley Quinn in a future DC movie or TV show?
ITs likely at one point she was a Victim. But she appears to have shifted over to facilitatting their acquisition of more victims.